Monday, June 29, 2009

THe Week/Weekend In Review - Part 1

Wow, is it Monday again?

Last week seemed like it lasted forever, but now it is finally over.

Monday - My son, who was at scout camp, celebrated his 11th birthday. Being the good dad, I took the afternoon off and drove to Camp and brought the boys cake and ice cream to help him celebrate. He was very appreciative, but was also very upset that I wasn't planning on staying the night at camp with him. I had previously told him that I would be down on Thursday to spend the remainder of the week with him. He cried, but finally accepted the fact that he would be OK without me.

Tuesday/Wednesday - WORK WORK WORK

Thursday - Got up early, packed the truck and headed to scout camp. I arrived about 1030 and the boys were still at their classes. Settled in and immediately began to sweat. IT is 95 degrees in the frigging shade and not a breeze in sight. On top of that, the ticks are so bad that they are falling from the trees like raindrops. The day was spent sitting under what little shade was available and drinking lots of water. Parents came down in the evening for a visit and the Order of the Arrow ceremony. Got to listen to the ex bitch about how long it took to drive down and how many times my daughter complained about being hungry.

Friday- Another day at camp.... still hot, still lots of bugs.

Saturday - We left camp. The good thing is that we got things packed up and cleaned up so that we were out the door by 930. Arrived home and the daughter immediately threwing a fucking fit about not wanting to come home with me for the weekend, like she was suppose to. I am getting so tired of ungrateful children, always ME ME ME.....

She finally calmed down after about an hour of screaming and then falling asleep. L and I were trying to get things together for the b-day party for the stepdaughter and seemingly disagreeing on everything. On top of that, the stepdaughter and SH1 went out Friday night and got shitfaced and then slept till noon. Guess who ended up watching the little bastard....

It was hot, the kids were crabby, I was crabby and tired, you can guess where this is going...... Part two tomorrow.


vixen kitten said...

Wow, that does NOT sound like a very good weekend. I'm so sorry. I hope the coming week is much better for you.


Samsmama said...

You are a very good dad, indeed. You couldn't pay me to hang out in this heat.