Friday, August 28, 2009

Friday Funnies

OK, So I haven't been around much. This has been another one of those traveling weeks and so will next week and the week after. On top of that, L and I are going to Chicago this weekend. We are going with her son and his wife. Now I don't mind traveling with the kids, but given that I have been on the road so much, it would have been nice to have a weekend alone with her. But that will have to wait.

So without further delay, here is your Friday funny. Have a good weekend.

Friday, August 21, 2009

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Roll Call

I want to thank each and every one who has stopped by since I was featured by Cary as his FOLOTD on List of the Day.

Some of you I know who you are, by your locations, some of you I think I know, but am not quite sure, and quite a few of you are new to my blog. Drop me a comment and let me know who and where you are and what you think so far.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Call Centers - The devils idea of a practical joke

God how I hate to talk to someone from a Call Center. Invariably, they either cant speak English well enough to do their job to save their asses, or they feel an air of superiority over the poor defenseless beings on the other end of the line and take delight and pleasure in tormenting us with their game of "fuck with the customer".

Today, I had the displeasure of calling my local phone company to inquire as to why I lost my call waiting service on my home phone, when I changed over to their brand spanking new fiber optic, all in one, wipe your butt for you service.

Haji, the mostest helpful customer service agent on the other end of the phone, immediately put me on guard, when he asked me if I was calling from the phone number I was requesting service for, like he couldn't read the caller ID that came up on his computer monitor.

Needless to say, things went downhill from there.

Apparently, you can sign on through the website and toggle all these features off and on from your computer. But my firewall from work wont let me access the site, due to some executable file you have to have installed (i.e., those extra icons on that are now on the home computer).

So while Haji is trying to explain all this to me and telling me to go to the website and toggle the switches, he isn't listening to a word I am saying when I tell him that my firewall wont let me there. He is getting frustrated because I am telling him what is on my screen and it isn't the same thing that is on his screen and he naturally assumes that I am a toothless hilljack that cant type or spell or operate a computer.

In the meantime, I am getting pissed because I cant make this twit divert from the script long enough for me to tell him that what he wanted me to do was not possible from my current location. He finally got the message after my voice changed to that "if you don’t shut the fuck up and listen, I am going to strangle you through the phone" tone.

It was only then that he asked me if I would like him to turn on the call waiting feature from his end. NO DUH! I wanted to also tell him that while your at it Haji, why don't you clean the crap out of your ears, and listen to the customer instead of reading the script. Not all of us are idiots like you think we are.

On a different note, I want to thank Cary from List of the Day for featuring me as his follower of the day. Not sure what to expect from this, but I appreciate the shameless promotion.

Monday, August 17, 2009

The cost of being responsible

An interesting thought occurred to me the other day. What if we put a price tag on every act and function that we do in our daily lives. The associated cost for such acts or functions, then are totaled and we are each assessed a user fee/tax for each day. Point being, if it something that occurs routinely in our daily lives, then the fee would not be as much as that act or function that only comes around every once in a while.

To take the concept one step further, what it the fee/tax was used as a deterrent to illegal/stupid acts that ultimately cost more to others than those who actually participate in the acts.

Case in point:

Stepdaughter is an idiot. I have said it before and I will say it again. Currently, she is in the off stages of a relationship with SH1 but it appears to be rapidly returning to the on stage. L and I have talked to her repeatedly this past week about the need for her to pull her head out, make some decisions, stick with them, and forget the past. She repeatedly tells us that she is and she isn't going back to SH1 and that they are only doing things together for the sake of little bastard. But, both of them are too stupid to acknowledge that, their being together for the sake of LB is doing more harm than good and he is under the impression that they are one big happy family.

So, if stepdaugther and SH1 were each assessed a fee for every time they went back on their promise not to see each other, or not to fight in front of LB, or every time they got fired from a job, or every time they got drunk and acted ignorant to one another, would that deter them from doing it again? Likely not, since neither one of them pays their bills now and do not have a pot to piss in other than unemployment and state assistance.

2nd case in point:

My daughters soccer coach from last year kept her CYC card in anticipation of the team being back together again this year and him not having to round up the cards again for league registration. Good idea. Man was thinking ahead and trying to minimize his troubles while being efficient. But wait, he decided to not coach this year for whatever reason and the new coach is now trying to round up cards from some of the girls from last years team. If the coach doesn't get them by next week, from the previous coach. Then the Ex and I have to fork out money to get a new card for my daughter. The question here is: Should last years coach be assessed the cost of getting new cards for my daughter and the other girls on the team, if he can not provide the cards from last year? My answer is yes.

Why should I be out money for something that he caused. Granted it is only a few dollars, but my time is worth something too. Had he given the cards back at the end of the season, or even when he decided not to coach again, then all would be right with the world. But due to his lack of preparedness or poor planning/being a scatter-brained twit, I am out money and time to undo his mistake.

Ultimately, if everyone is held accountable, they generally learn a lesson and in most cases, don't make the same mistake again. Unfortunately, in today's society, with all the "whats in it for me" generation, there seems to be a huge disconnect between taking responsibility for your actions and assessing the cost of those actions.

Food for thought.....Comments are welcome.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

What day is it and where am I?


I use to look forward to the respite of escape from the local scene. A chance to see the world and enjoy the sites, eat at new places, see new people and cultures, etc, etc, etc. It always seemed so cool and sophisticated to be one of those guys standing in line at the airport waiting to fly to some distant city to conduct important business meetings and presentations.

As I grew older, and got married to the Ex, I traveled because that is what my job required. It wasn't far from home, mainly day trips, but it did give me time to relax and reflect on my home life. It also did afford me the opportunity to people watch and see how the other half lives.

Since I have been with L, I have begun to despise traveling. I still enjoy seeing the sights and getting away from the office and out of the routine, but the distance and time away from her makes each trip that much more difficult and long.

Here is an example of my travels since late April.

Last Week of April - Nevada - 3 days
First week of May - SE Kansas - 2 days
Third week of May - SE Iowa - 2 days
First week of June - Quad Cities, Iowa - 2 days
third week of June - Chicago - full week
2nd week of July - Chicago - 3 days
3rd week of July - NYC - 4 days
4th week of July - Western Iowa - 2 days
2nd week of August - Oklahoma/Texas - 2 days
4th week of August - West Virginia - 3 days
1st week of Sept - Colorado - 3 days

Get the picture.......

I am sure there are other trips that will have to be added as time goes along into the fall. I know of at least 2 other trips to Iowa, one to Wisconsin, and one to northern MO that is on the agenda but have not been scheduled.

I will save all the trials and tribulations of trying to stay in touch with home from these destinations for another post. Suffice it to say, it is tough to get cell service in BFE, Iowa or Kansas.
