Wednesday, July 8, 2009

What I Am Thankful For

I occurred to me that I have been usually crabby lately and have spent alot of time venting my frustrations with others through this blog. While it is the main reason that I started this, I may have left some with the impression that I am jaded, mean, and unfulfilled in my life. In an effort to change that, I offer a glimpse of those things that make me happy and thankful.

My wife - L is truly my soulmate. She puts up with my bitching and complaining, but always has a smile and a kiss for me. She touches me like no other woman I have ever been involved with. She and I are both very compatible in private.

My kids - J and A, are miracles to me. Having adopted them from Russia, I treasure every moment I am with them, even though they drive me crazy and I complain that they are ungrateful and unappreciative of what I do for them. J is finally starting to get it, and while he does bitch about doing some chores, he does them. I just have to pay him a small allowance....LOL A is very active but finds it hard to entertain herself. She is in constant need of attention and an audience for her life. I worry sometimes that there is something more going on there but I keep telling myself that I left when she was very young and that has scarred her. It is my job to make sure that the scars heal and don't leave any lasting impressions.

L's kids are also important to me. They define who she is and while I don't agree with their lifestyles most of the time, without them, she wouldn't be her. I am slowly inching into the role of grandpa, which I never expected to be in at such a young age.

My job - I love my job. I don't dread coming to work, I don't dread getting up in the morning etc. There are slow times, but when I am busy, it is frantic and harried.

Scouting - I have been involved in scouting since I was 8 years old. Except for a period during college when I was not very active, I have been in Scouting for 40 years. During that time, I have been and seen many wonderful things, experienced opportunities, and accomplished much. I am an Eagle Scout. I am a Vigil Honor member of the Order of The Arrow. I went to Yellowstone at 12 for a 3 week camping trip. I went to Canada at 15 for a 2 week canoe trip. Currently, I am involved with J's scout troop and am also a member of an Eagle Scout Board of Review.

Friends - I have many friends, some lifelong, some recent, some good, some just acquaintances. I have friends that I haven't seen in 10 years, but still get the occasional phone call or email from that I know I can call in a pinch and they would be there for me. I have friends in all walks of life that I can call on for advice and counsel any time without any fear that I am taking advantage of them and they know that they can do the same of me. Friendships are important to me.

There are more things, trivial things which I will expand upon later, but I hope this gives you a picture of me, that isnt so distorted by all of my rantings and ravings.

1 comment:

Samsmama said...

Excellent list! Every now and then it's good to stop and remember all the blessings we have in our lives.