Friday, April 24, 2009

Work'in for the Weekend

Well it is Friday and it is gonna be one of those weekends. Non-stop, rock-em, sock-em action, with plenty of drinking to go along with it.

My daughter is celebrating her first communion on Sunday and my sister and brother in law are in town. Actually the party started yesterday with free tickets to see the Cards kick the Mets ass on a sunny afternoon at Busch. Nothing like free tickets.

The ex's family is also all coming in for it and there will be a big reception/party at her(my old) house on Sunday after Church. It will certainly be interesting. We generally get along, but this will be the first time her sister and brother will have met L.

In the meantime, we are having my sis and brother over for dinner tonight, they are going to decorate A's room with new curtains and matching linens. Tomorrow, we are going to go to the big farmers market and just hang out.

Sunday is the festivities and then I will have to do yard work and pack for my business trip on Monday to the desert of Nevada. Only redeeming thing about it is the night in Reno on Tuesday before coming home on Wed.

Hope you all have a glorious weekend.

As always, comments or emails are welcome.


vixen kitten said...

Sounds like a busy weekend. I'm sure your little girl is going to look beautiful. What a special day for her!

Enjoy your time with family and friends, and have a safe trip next week.


rockman said...

Thank you. HOpe you have a great weekend as well.

Samsmama said...

Man, nothing like beer and baseball!