Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Publish or Perish

OK. Since i haven't been doing this whole blog that or very long, and I readily admit that I don't have all the finer points of "blogging" etiquette down; I have to say that some folks take this thing way too seriously.


If you don't like people reading it, don't put it out there for the world to see.

Whew, that felt good.

The whole reason I got into blogging is because I am naturally curious about things. I am a voyeur by nature and a scientist by training. It comes natural to me to observe, read, observe some more. I also have this inherent ability to be able to pick up on peoples personality traits from a picture or only a few moments of conversation with them. It is a curse I know, but it can be fun.

Once in college, while living in the dorm, I challenged a couple of my floor mates to test me on my ability. They accepted the challenge since BEER was at stake, loser supplying a handy six to the winner.

Seemingly out of nowhere, the high school yearbooks appeared and the contest was one. My challenge was to look through the pictures of their high school yearbooks and tell them what kind of personality the person in the photo had.

To make it simple, we have 5 to 6 main categories:

Brainac (different from nerd in that they were smart and popular)
princess (for the girls)

The only other requirement was that we had to have independent verification that my guess was correct. I wasn't going to trust their opinions as to my guess, I'm not that damn dumb....

So after rounding up a fellow classmate, the game was on.

Two hours later, i was a case of beer richer, and they were alot wiser not to challenge my mental superiority.

Actually, it wasn't that hard, since they were all stoners themselves....LMAO.

How does this relate to blogging you ask? Like I said, i am curious and like to people watch. So it is pretty easy for me to tell when someone is being genuinely sincere in their blog or they are just putting out a lot of whiny ass bullshit for people to read cause they don't have the balls to speak up for themselves about it directly.

The second reason for blogging is that, being a scientist, I am always looking for alternatives and options to solve problems. The whole learn from experience method taken to the extreme. So if someone has had a similar experience to mine, and they blog about it, I might be able to use their situation to develop a way to resolve my own issue.

NAH, I am just a nosy SOB...

Have a nice day and comments are always welcome.


Samsmama said...

COOL! You're blogging again!

Not only do I agree that if you don't want something read, um, don't post it on the internet. But I also think that if you read something you don't like, just move on. No need to leave a comment saying you disagree. Just go.

rockman said...


yeah, i get in a funk when i feel like all i am doing is bitching about my life and im sure not everyone wants to hear that....

thanks for the visit and hope you will feel free to disagree anytime.

Anonymous said...

I'm getting ready to have a reunion, of sorts, with some of my high school friends. I think we'll play that game. It's really funny to see them the stoner who turned out to be the smartest fucker you know! (Wait. that's me!)

(thanks for swinging by...I like yours also...keep 'em coming)

rockman said...

Southern Vixen,

Thanks for stopping by. Drop us an email sometime if you would like to.