Friday, December 11, 2009
Bah Friggin Humbug
The mood still isn't really in there, but I felt like I at least owed you faithful followers some of my time and wisdom. So here are some random thoughts that have gone through my mind in the last few weeks.
* How many times do I have to come home to a new steaming pile of shit that the stepdaughter has left waiting for us?
* How many times do you have to keep defending the inadequacies of your children before you realize that it reflects on you?
* When are we finally going to catch a break and not have to spend money of other people and have the time and inclination to spend money on ourselves?
* Why is it that, people whom you despise and loathe under normal circumstances, always seem to feel obligated to play nice at the holidays, making you feel guilty? Tell them to piss off regardless of the time of year it is.
* How come I always end up in a job I love with a manager that I do not respect and has advanced well beyond their Peter Principle level?
OK.... enough of the soap box. Now a very brief update...
Stepdaughter is working again... yippee hooray, bout GD time.
LB is still a pain in my ass but he is going to preschool now so some of the socialization skills are starting to help. Now if we could just get his OCD under control, he might actually begin to function like a normal 4 y.o.
Shithead is history with the stepdaughter, and we are just waiting for an opportunity to drop a dime on him with his PO and send his ass back to the pen.
L and I are struggling to maintain some sense of a normal life, under all the external pressures from her family. I told her last night again.. Start telling people NO or I will do it for you. We can not and will not continue to be the rescue squad for every little family crisis that someone else has. We have enough shit of our own to deal with... MORE ON THAT LATER.
I sincerely hope that you all have a happy holiday season. I am planning on telling everyone that gets in my way or on my nerves to go fuck themselves and leave my house. WISH ME LUCK.
Friday, October 30, 2009
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
On The Mend
Not likely H1N1, but the plain old, garden variety flu. Whatever it is, it sucks donkey dong.
The doc says don't worry, take the horse pills I am prescribing, and if your not better in a week to ten days after the course of antibiotics, then get your will and testament in order get your butt back in here and we will do something else. Gee, what a comfort.
He did say that while he feels my pain, we are not alone. He has seen more patients this fall with the flu than he saw all last year. And while everyone is freaking out about H1N1, he said that more than likely, what people have is the regular flu. According to DR, getting a flu shot does help, but if you have the symptoms for more than 48 hours before you seek medical attention, then tough shit... anything that they give you wont really help. Your body has already started producing antibodies to fight the particular virus strain in you and any additional medicine will just slow down that process. (Guess you all skipped that day of H.S. Biology.)
DR says that the over the counter meds will help the symptoms, but if things are markedly improved after a week to 10 days, then you likely may have a secondary infection.
Long story short, don't screw around with this stuff. If it lingers, get medical help and take care of yourself. Because of all the crackheads out there, Wally World can't sell the really good over the counter medicines anymore, so you may as well get a script for it and stop messing around.
Monday, October 26, 2009
Creeping Crud

I don't know how many of you have been sick this past few months, but I am getting damn tired of feeling like ASS.. as my grandson so eloquently puts it.
It all started Labor Day weekend. My middle stepson came down with some bug, classic flu like symptoms, aches, pains, chills, fever, coughing a lung up and a runny nose like a faucet got turned on. He passed it to L who was home in bed the first week of Sept for 2 days with fever and aches.
Then a week or so later my son got it. Now this boy fights being sick to the death, but when he is laying down on the ground sleeping in the middle of his sisters soccer game because he doesn't feel good, I know he is sick. (Why he as there in the first place was beyond me, but that was his mother's decision... fodder for another blog on how self-centered and self-absorbed she can be at times).
A week later my daughter has it, and guess what, she just happens to have it the nite her and her brother as suppose to be at the house. Needless to say, I feel like my home is becoming a petri dish.
Fast forward to the 2nd week of Oct. I am home sick for two days with fever, aches, and coughing. Then L got it again last week and was home for 2 days.
She went to the DR on Thursday and all that quack would tell her is that she has a viral infection in her respiratory system and there is nothing that can be done other than to let it run it's course. What BULLSHIT.....
So we have purchased countless over the counter medicines to help alleviate the symptoms but that is like putting a band-aid on an amputation.
Guess what.. I went to bed last night with a fever and generally feel like I am walking around in a cloud today. The good news it that I already had a DR appt. schedule for this afternoon to review some lab work. So lucky me, my timing is right on in that regard.
Additionally, my doctor is s D.O. rather than an M.D. They tend to be less formal, more holistic, and less willing to cut and hack on you for something. I have been seeing this guy for going on 17-18 years now and he is the best. He is always willing to discuss in detail my treatment, and given that i am a scientist, he knows he cant bullshit his way around the diagnosis or toss me off with a "you wouldn't understand". I think that also helps me in that whenever I am in a predicament like I am now, with this crud being passed around like it is. He will not hesitate to raid his closet of medicine and help a brother out with a handful of free sample packages to help all of us get through the plague.
Maybe I will hit him up for some Viagra never know.
Friday, October 23, 2009
Friday Funnies - PART 2
Thursday, October 22, 2009
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Monday, October 19, 2009
Yesterday, my middle stepson left for training, prior to being deployed to Iraq. So I have inherited a new role. Concerned parent to a soldier. While I don't feel it is my place to tell my stepson how to live his life or call him son, or do any of the other things I might normally do if he were younger, I do feel the need to let him know that his mother and I are very proud of him and pursuit of a military career.
I told him as much in a phone call yesterday morning as he was departing. I told him that I wished I could have been there to see him off but my commitment to my own son and a boy scout trip prevented me from being at the airport. Through the sobs and sniffles of him fighting back openly crying, he said he understood and knew that I didn't have a choice but to be with my own son rather than with him. I told him that it still didn't make it right that I could not be there. I told him that his mother and I were proud of him, and that I knew he had to do this for himself, his wife, his family, and his country. I told him that no matter what happened, we would take care of his wife and that last thing he needed to worry about over there was her.
L and his wife were obviously upset and keeping it together by the thinnest of strings for most of the day yesterday. I made it home by noon and was able to have some things done around the house by the time they got back from the airport. On top of all the emotion of her son leaving yesterday, it was L's birthday yesterday. I was able to be home for most of it, got her a present that she really wanted, cooked her dinner, and generally was there for her to hold and to provide a shoulder to cry on.
Yesterday was the beginning of at least a one year role as military parent, supportive husband and father in law, amongst other roles. I hope I am up to the challenge.
If you followers are interested, I will update you from time to time on his progress and situation. If it is a little too maudlin or self-serving for your taste, I won't. Your call.
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
But given the current conditions:
Cloudy (has been since Monday)
Drizzling (since yesterday)
cold (mid 40's for the day time high) and
slow at work.
I have just not been i a creative mood lately. Additionally, things have been so busy around the house with birthdays, going away parties, yard work, and just trying to battle off the flu, that I don't know whether to shit or go blind.
SO: if any of you few and loyal fans have any ideas or questions your just dying to know or see me post about; I am open to suggestions.
Friday, October 2, 2009
Friday List
After much surfing and not finding the perfect list, (part regular, part naughty bits, part philosophical) I decided to come up with my own. I hope you like the list and you will consider answering and forwarding the list on to friends and others in your blogosphere. If you don't; tough shit.....LOL
1. What was the first thing you did this morning after waking up?
Made love to my wife.
2. When was the last time you told your significant other how you felt about them and how?
About an hour ago, via a text message from my phone.
3. Is there some point in your past that, if you had a "wayback machine" and Mr Peabody could take you there, you would get a chance to "do over" something in your life?
I would probably go back to college and focus more on my studies and not goof off the first 2 years.
4. Why did you chose the profession/job that you have?
I enjoy being outdoors and working in the dirt, LOL. The scientific aspect of geology and the opportunity to be a scientist, working outdoors, and still being able to work inside when the weather was lousy was a perfect fit. Originally, I wanted to be an optometrist, but came to the realization, after flunking out of college, that i enjoyed working outside and would not like sitting in a office all day, listening to someone else bitch and moan about their problems.
5. If you won the lottery and you had to spend 10% of the winnings on the charity or cause of your choice, what would it be?
I would donate my portion to the local Boy Scout Council to upgrade camp facilities and to pay for less fortunate scouts to attend the events and functions that I had the opportunity to do as a youth. I would also endow a scholarship to my university with caveats so that the average student could go to college. Not that i am against smart kids, but they already have plenty of chances for financial aid. The average kids are the ones who struggle to compete for scholarships and they are the ones who need the most help.
6. Where would you spend your Christmas holiday, other than at home or with family, if money was no object?
I would like to spend Christmas in Europe. Germany, England, Ireland, Belgium, and maybe Russia if time permits.
7. What is the one (non-sexual) thing that your spouse or significant other does to you that turns you on the most?
L can turn me on just by walking up to me with that "come to the bedroom" look and with a simple touch or kiss and those eyes, i am ready to go.
8. What are you planning on having for dinner this weekend?
I am making a giant pot of chili for a bonfire party tomorrow night. Also going to grill about 10 pounds of chicken wings.
9. When was the last time you had a free weekend (i.e., no kids, no plans, no commitments, just go with the flow time.)?
I don't remember. I think it was sometime in July, but i could be wrong.
10. Finally, and in honor of the decision today to chose Rio as the host city for the 2016 Summer Games, what is your first recollection of watching the Olympics? Watching the tragedy unfold at the Munich Games of 1972 on TV.
Please feel free to plagerize this and forward it on. Just make sure you source the reference properly...LOL
Have a good weekend. Comments always welcome.
Friday, September 25, 2009
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Four Things
Needless to say, I am totally out of time and ideas for anything original so I flagrantly plagiarize from others. Thanks to Another Suburban Mom for offering this meme to help me fill space on here without alot of time.
4 jobs I have had:
1. Grocery store clerk
2. Milkman
3. Tree Trimmer/Arborist
4. Powder Monkey ( I use to work in a rock quarry and got to help blow things up everyday.)
4 movies I can watch over and over
1 Any of the Bourne Identity Movies
2 Patton
3 Three Days of the Condor
4 Dr Strangelove
4 TV shows I love
2. Good Eats (although L hates Alton Brown so I have to watch it when she is not around.)
3. ER
4. West Wing
4 of my favorite dishes
1. Pizza
2. Chili (green and red)
3. Jambalaya
4. Kettle Beef with mashed potatoes
4 Websites I Visit Daily
1. Yahoo My Page
2. List of the Day
3. STL Today
4. Google Reader
4 Places I Dream of Going
1. Hawaii (again)
2 Russia (again)
3 Alaska
4. Germany (again)
Feel free to plagiarize yourself if you want. I did....LOL
Have a nice day and as always, comments are welcome.
Friday, September 18, 2009
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
TMI Tuesday #204

Friday, September 4, 2009
Friday, August 28, 2009
Friday Funnies
So without further delay, here is your Friday funny. Have a good weekend.
Friday, August 21, 2009
Thursday, August 20, 2009
Roll Call
Some of you I know who you are, by your locations, some of you I think I know, but am not quite sure, and quite a few of you are new to my blog. Drop me a comment and let me know who and where you are and what you think so far.
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Call Centers - The devils idea of a practical joke
Today, I had the displeasure of calling my local phone company to inquire as to why I lost my call waiting service on my home phone, when I changed over to their brand spanking new fiber optic, all in one, wipe your butt for you service.
Haji, the mostest helpful customer service agent on the other end of the phone, immediately put me on guard, when he asked me if I was calling from the phone number I was requesting service for, like he couldn't read the caller ID that came up on his computer monitor.
Needless to say, things went downhill from there.
Apparently, you can sign on through the website and toggle all these features off and on from your computer. But my firewall from work wont let me access the site, due to some executable file you have to have installed (i.e., those extra icons on that are now on the home computer).
So while Haji is trying to explain all this to me and telling me to go to the website and toggle the switches, he isn't listening to a word I am saying when I tell him that my firewall wont let me there. He is getting frustrated because I am telling him what is on my screen and it isn't the same thing that is on his screen and he naturally assumes that I am a toothless hilljack that cant type or spell or operate a computer.
In the meantime, I am getting pissed because I cant make this twit divert from the script long enough for me to tell him that what he wanted me to do was not possible from my current location. He finally got the message after my voice changed to that "if you don’t shut the fuck up and listen, I am going to strangle you through the phone" tone.
It was only then that he asked me if I would like him to turn on the call waiting feature from his end. NO DUH! I wanted to also tell him that while your at it Haji, why don't you clean the crap out of your ears, and listen to the customer instead of reading the script. Not all of us are idiots like you think we are.
On a different note, I want to thank Cary from List of the Day for featuring me as his follower of the day. Not sure what to expect from this, but I appreciate the shameless promotion.
Monday, August 17, 2009
The cost of being responsible
To take the concept one step further, what it the fee/tax was used as a deterrent to illegal/stupid acts that ultimately cost more to others than those who actually participate in the acts.
Case in point:
Stepdaughter is an idiot. I have said it before and I will say it again. Currently, she is in the off stages of a relationship with SH1 but it appears to be rapidly returning to the on stage. L and I have talked to her repeatedly this past week about the need for her to pull her head out, make some decisions, stick with them, and forget the past. She repeatedly tells us that she is and she isn't going back to SH1 and that they are only doing things together for the sake of little bastard. But, both of them are too stupid to acknowledge that, their being together for the sake of LB is doing more harm than good and he is under the impression that they are one big happy family.
So, if stepdaugther and SH1 were each assessed a fee for every time they went back on their promise not to see each other, or not to fight in front of LB, or every time they got fired from a job, or every time they got drunk and acted ignorant to one another, would that deter them from doing it again? Likely not, since neither one of them pays their bills now and do not have a pot to piss in other than unemployment and state assistance.
2nd case in point:
My daughters soccer coach from last year kept her CYC card in anticipation of the team being back together again this year and him not having to round up the cards again for league registration. Good idea. Man was thinking ahead and trying to minimize his troubles while being efficient. But wait, he decided to not coach this year for whatever reason and the new coach is now trying to round up cards from some of the girls from last years team. If the coach doesn't get them by next week, from the previous coach. Then the Ex and I have to fork out money to get a new card for my daughter. The question here is: Should last years coach be assessed the cost of getting new cards for my daughter and the other girls on the team, if he can not provide the cards from last year? My answer is yes.
Why should I be out money for something that he caused. Granted it is only a few dollars, but my time is worth something too. Had he given the cards back at the end of the season, or even when he decided not to coach again, then all would be right with the world. But due to his lack of preparedness or poor planning/being a scatter-brained twit, I am out money and time to undo his mistake.
Ultimately, if everyone is held accountable, they generally learn a lesson and in most cases, don't make the same mistake again. Unfortunately, in today's society, with all the "whats in it for me" generation, there seems to be a huge disconnect between taking responsibility for your actions and assessing the cost of those actions.
Food for thought.....Comments are welcome.
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
What day is it and where am I?
I use to look forward to the respite of escape from the local scene. A chance to see the world and enjoy the sites, eat at new places, see new people and cultures, etc, etc, etc. It always seemed so cool and sophisticated to be one of those guys standing in line at the airport waiting to fly to some distant city to conduct important business meetings and presentations.
As I grew older, and got married to the Ex, I traveled because that is what my job required. It wasn't far from home, mainly day trips, but it did give me time to relax and reflect on my home life. It also did afford me the opportunity to people watch and see how the other half lives.
Since I have been with L, I have begun to despise traveling. I still enjoy seeing the sights and getting away from the office and out of the routine, but the distance and time away from her makes each trip that much more difficult and long.
Here is an example of my travels since late April.
Last Week of April - Nevada - 3 days
First week of May - SE Kansas - 2 days
Third week of May - SE Iowa - 2 days
First week of June - Quad Cities, Iowa - 2 days
third week of June - Chicago - full week
2nd week of July - Chicago - 3 days
3rd week of July - NYC - 4 days
4th week of July - Western Iowa - 2 days
2nd week of August - Oklahoma/Texas - 2 days
4th week of August - West Virginia - 3 days
1st week of Sept - Colorado - 3 days
Get the picture.......
I am sure there are other trips that will have to be added as time goes along into the fall. I know of at least 2 other trips to Iowa, one to Wisconsin, and one to northern MO that is on the agenda but have not been scheduled.
I will save all the trials and tribulations of trying to stay in touch with home from these destinations for another post. Suffice it to say, it is tough to get cell service in BFE, Iowa or Kansas.
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
I am moody and can’t seem to let go of those thing that bother me the most. I stew about the littlest thing and turn it into a crisis of biblical proportions.
I am controlling and demanding to the point that I feel like I stifle you and make you feel less than full. I know that part of it is my over protective nature, but I also recognize that it is inherent mistrust.
I am jealous and find it hard to trust anyone. I am too analytical and continually over analyze things; taking the most pessimistic outlook on a given situation without offering the benefit of the doubt.
I put myself and you into situations that just compound our struggles, yet I am resentful when I am put into situations by others.
I am critical and at times, I am disgusted by the children and do not hide my disdain for them or their life choices.
I am miserly, to the point of Ebeneezer Scrooge, when it comes to giving to others, but feel little compunction or guilt when I want to buy something for myself. The only thing stopping me, in most cases is that I want to make sure the bills are paid for first.
I ask myself this question daily, and every day, you just smile at me and for that brief moment, I know the answer. Then the grayness seeps back in and I wonder again.
Can you show me WHY YOU LOVE ME? Can you put a tangible value or phrase on WHY YOU LOVE ME?
Or do I just have to believe and trust that you do?
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
TMI Tuesday #196

Monday, July 20, 2009
Thursday, July 16, 2009
Am I Cool?
L spent the night at the hospital with the “little bastard” and his mother because the little shit fell off the back of the couch; which he was sitting on after being told numerous times not to and to get down; and broke his left arm right about the elbow. He is currently at the one of the children’s hospitals awaiting surgery to pin the bone back together. Needless to say, I didn’t sleep either and so I am working on about 2 hours sleep here folks. Help a brother out and don’t be too critical.
Now on with the show…..
1. What is your occupation right now? Environmental Loss Prevention Consultant.
2. What color are your socks right now? Blue, I think, or maybe black. It was early and I still had eye boogers in and so I couldn’t really tell.
3. What are you listening to right now? I am switching between Andre Bocelli and smooth jazz, depending on what CDs are in the truck at the time.
4. What was the last thing that you ate? A cheese sandwich and cold spaghetti at 3AM this morning. I don’t usually eat at night like that but when I couldn’t sleep, I got hungry.
5. Can you drive a stick shift? Hell yes, I learned how to drive on a farm.
6. Last person you spoke to on the phone? My stepson- giving him an update of LB’s condition.
7. How old are you today? Fortyish….approaching fiftyish.
8. What is your favorite sport to watch on TV? Hockey or football
9. What is your favorite drink? Diet Coke or ice cold beer. Depends on the time of day.
10. Favorite food? Pizza, a good piece of grilled meat, and anything spicy.
11. What is the last movie you watched? The end of Live Free or Die Hard, at 4AM this morning.
12. Favorite day of the year? The day after thanksgiving.
13. How do you vent anger? I cuss, I storm around and sulk, I take a drive, or focus on doing things around the house or yard, if the weather or time of day permits.
14. What was your favorite toy as a child? Hmmmm, I really can’t remember, I had a G.I.Joe, but mine didn’t have the kung Fu grip. Baseball stuff, my bike, living in a small rural town, I played outside a lot and spent a lot of time in the woods and at the creeks.
15. What is your favorite season? Fall
16. Cherries or Blueberries? Cherries, but if it would have been a choice between Cherries and blackberries, blackberries win hands down.
17. Who is least likely to respond? I don’t know since I really only have about 3 or 4 regular readers.
18. Living arrangements? I live with my wife L, her daughter T, and T’s son LB. I also have my kids J and A one night a week and every other weekend. We also have a 16 yr old Lab/rott mix.
19. When was the last time you cried? I don’t remember.
20. What is on the floor of your closet? Shoes and an old army footlocker filled with scouting memorabilia.
21. What did you do last night? Hung out at the house, watched a move with my kids till they went to bed, went through bills and junk mail, and then didn’t sleep after L went to the hospital. Watched history channel and movies till I finally fell asleep.
22. What are you most afraid of? Being alone and unloved.
23. Plain, cheese, or spicy hamburgers? Cheeseburgers with pepperjack cheese.
24. Favorite dog breed? English bulldogs.
25. Favorite day of the week? Friday, I am wrapping things up and have two days of freedom.
26. How many states have you lived in? 3, MO, IL, and IA. If you count going to geology field camp in Utah for 6 weeks living, then the answer would be 4.
27. Diamonds or pearls? Being a geologist, I do know a thing or two about gemstones. I would have to say emeralds, or blue sapphires. They are much more rare than diamonds, when they are flawless. I also like brilliant aquamarines and topaz. Diamonds when they are cut right and flawless are beautiful and unique, but I agree with Vixen Kitten, when every gangsta wannabe is putting in their teeth or in their ears, just to show off how much money they don’t have, then it really cheapens the affect.
28. What are your favorite flowers? Irises. My grandmother had a huge bed of them in all different colors and I always loved the contrast between the flowers and the green bladed plant.
Five things most people would never guess about you:
1. I only have one eye. I have a prosthetic right eye, which brings a whole new meaning to the phase I use a lot: “blind in one eye and can’t see out of the other one.”
Long story short, I had a tumor in my eye as a baby, ( determined to be a birth defect) and had my eye removed at 9 months. I have grown up with it and so it doesn’t really affect me except that I cant watch 3D movies and get the full affect.
2. I can rummage through any pantry, kitchen cabinet, or refrigerator and come up with enough spices, staples, etc, to make a killer dinner on a moments notice.
3. People tend to view me as a big oafish type person, given my size and demeanor. They are usually surprised to find out that I am probably smarter then they are which in turn pisses them off.
4. I am a very sexual person and have been all my life.
5. I flunked algebra in high school and college. It took me 3 times to get a D in college and I took it a ran. Even though I have a BS and MS in Geology and a minor in Chemistry, I suck at math.
Thursday, July 9, 2009
And Now for Something Completely Different
I am not too good at the technical aspects of this blog thing, so I haven't figured out how to embed the video directly into the blog. Hints are welcome in the comments section...LOL
Anyway, this is hilarious and totally inappropriate, but very timely with the passing of the King of Pop.
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
What I Am Thankful For
My wife - L is truly my soulmate. She puts up with my bitching and complaining, but always has a smile and a kiss for me. She touches me like no other woman I have ever been involved with. She and I are both very compatible in private.
My kids - J and A, are miracles to me. Having adopted them from Russia, I treasure every moment I am with them, even though they drive me crazy and I complain that they are ungrateful and unappreciative of what I do for them. J is finally starting to get it, and while he does bitch about doing some chores, he does them. I just have to pay him a small allowance....LOL A is very active but finds it hard to entertain herself. She is in constant need of attention and an audience for her life. I worry sometimes that there is something more going on there but I keep telling myself that I left when she was very young and that has scarred her. It is my job to make sure that the scars heal and don't leave any lasting impressions.
L's kids are also important to me. They define who she is and while I don't agree with their lifestyles most of the time, without them, she wouldn't be her. I am slowly inching into the role of grandpa, which I never expected to be in at such a young age.
My job - I love my job. I don't dread coming to work, I don't dread getting up in the morning etc. There are slow times, but when I am busy, it is frantic and harried.
Scouting - I have been involved in scouting since I was 8 years old. Except for a period during college when I was not very active, I have been in Scouting for 40 years. During that time, I have been and seen many wonderful things, experienced opportunities, and accomplished much. I am an Eagle Scout. I am a Vigil Honor member of the Order of The Arrow. I went to Yellowstone at 12 for a 3 week camping trip. I went to Canada at 15 for a 2 week canoe trip. Currently, I am involved with J's scout troop and am also a member of an Eagle Scout Board of Review.
Friends - I have many friends, some lifelong, some recent, some good, some just acquaintances. I have friends that I haven't seen in 10 years, but still get the occasional phone call or email from that I know I can call in a pinch and they would be there for me. I have friends in all walks of life that I can call on for advice and counsel any time without any fear that I am taking advantage of them and they know that they can do the same of me. Friendships are important to me.
There are more things, trivial things which I will expand upon later, but I hope this gives you a picture of me, that isnt so distorted by all of my rantings and ravings.
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
TMI Tuesday #194

1. Where was the first place you ever had sex?
In the front seat of my moms 69 Mecuary Couger on Senior Prom Night. We were in the wood along a country road.
2. How often do you lie?
Occasionally, usually to save me the trouble of having to explain something in great detail and it still ending up being misunderstood or not believed.
3. If you could only be one, would you rather be smart or good looking?
Definately smart. Looks will only get you so far, and while all the Hollywood types make millions with their looks, when their looks are gone, what to they have left? Smarts enables you to turn any situation into an advantage for you.
4. Have you ever passed out or suffered memory loss from drinking too much?
Yes, Pepe Lopez and I had a very bad encounter one night on a camping trip. I passed out and woke up to find the floor around my bunk littered with firecracker paper. I was told later that some of my friends, who arrived late, decided to toss firecrackers under my bed in a effort to wake me up. IT DIDNT WORK.
5. Top or bottom?
Definately bottom... I like having more control that way and can be deeper and last longer.
Bonus: Do you have any catalogs for toys/videos/lingere delivered to your home?
No we dont currently, but sure would like to get some....Wink Wink Nudge Nudge.....
Thursday, July 2, 2009
THe Week/Weekend In Review - Part 2
When we last left our fearless hero, he was crabby, tired, covered in bug and tick bites from his days at camp, and dealing with two crabby kids and a spoiled, rotten little shit of a grandson.
As we were running errands, L overheard my son say something about going to a movie later in the day. I had told him and his sister that we might, since it was so bloody hot and they weren't able to really play outside. L suggested that I do that, in order to keep my kids and the little bastard away from each other and restore peace and harmony to the world.
So we get home, L and I begin to clean the house and get things ready for the b-day party on Sunday. At 4, I take my kids to the movies, as previously discussed. We get home about 630 and L is in a mood. When I finally get her to open up, she informs me that she has been stuck home all day cleaning house while I have been out at the movies and no one bothered to ask her if she wanted to go. Now I will admit that it was an oversight on my part to not ask her, but I assumed by her earlier comment that she didn't really want to go. On top of this, the step daughter, SH1 and the little bastard are gone and have not lifted a finger to help with any of the party preparations. I told L that I was sorry she got stuck cleaning the house and if her "fucking daughter" would get off her ass and help, she wouldn't have had to do it all by herself. WRONG THING TO SAY, I know, but it is what it is.
Needless to say, Saturday evening was a bit chilly in the house.
Sunday, I got up, went outside bright and early and spent about 4 hours mowing, trimming, and generally getting things spruced up around the outside of the house. L had to run to check on her mom and was gone about 4 hours and so when she got back, it was a frenzy to get things finalized for the party. Fortunately, it was just family, and if things were half done, then who cares. We had homemade lasagna, pasta house salad (it is a STL thing), and homemade cheesecake (I made 2 and L made 1).
All in all, it wasn't too bad. The grandsons fought the entire time, which is typical, their parents didn't pay alot of attention to them, which is typical, except to yell at them like a Hoosier in the middle of the yard. But the surprising thing is that when all was said and done, stepdaughter actually thanked us in her own, impersonal way, by texting.....
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
TMI Tuesday #193

1. How many speeding tickets have you had? I use to get one about every 6 months, but it has been awhile. Now I seem to get tickets for running stoplights with those video camera recording devices. Fucking big brother..... Accidents? Two while in college (not my fault), 4 or 5 in the last 25 years,
2. Boxers, briefs or commando? Depends on my mood.
3. Have you ever had sex in your office or your place of employment? Yes
4. Do you or your so own a motorcycle? Do you ever ride one? Do you wear a helmet when you ride? I dont do motorcycles anymore. I use to do the mini-bike thing when i was a kid, but learned pretty quickly that, with my limited field of vision, I need all the protection I can get around me and bikes just dont offer that.
5. Ever been skinny dipping? Yes and got caught
Bonus: Ever been arrested? Turned someone in/had someone arrested? No to the first part, and depending on how the stepdaughter and SH1 do in the coming week, that second part might be on the very near horizon.
Monday, June 29, 2009
THe Week/Weekend In Review - Part 1
Last week seemed like it lasted forever, but now it is finally over.
Monday - My son, who was at scout camp, celebrated his 11th birthday. Being the good dad, I took the afternoon off and drove to Camp and brought the boys cake and ice cream to help him celebrate. He was very appreciative, but was also very upset that I wasn't planning on staying the night at camp with him. I had previously told him that I would be down on Thursday to spend the remainder of the week with him. He cried, but finally accepted the fact that he would be OK without me.
Tuesday/Wednesday - WORK WORK WORK
Thursday - Got up early, packed the truck and headed to scout camp. I arrived about 1030 and the boys were still at their classes. Settled in and immediately began to sweat. IT is 95 degrees in the frigging shade and not a breeze in sight. On top of that, the ticks are so bad that they are falling from the trees like raindrops. The day was spent sitting under what little shade was available and drinking lots of water. Parents came down in the evening for a visit and the Order of the Arrow ceremony. Got to listen to the ex bitch about how long it took to drive down and how many times my daughter complained about being hungry.
Friday- Another day at camp.... still hot, still lots of bugs.
Saturday - We left camp. The good thing is that we got things packed up and cleaned up so that we were out the door by 930. Arrived home and the daughter immediately threwing a fucking fit about not wanting to come home with me for the weekend, like she was suppose to. I am getting so tired of ungrateful children, always ME ME ME.....
She finally calmed down after about an hour of screaming and then falling asleep. L and I were trying to get things together for the b-day party for the stepdaughter and seemingly disagreeing on everything. On top of that, the stepdaughter and SH1 went out Friday night and got shitfaced and then slept till noon. Guess who ended up watching the little bastard....
It was hot, the kids were crabby, I was crabby and tired, you can guess where this is going...... Part two tomorrow.
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
TMI Tuesday #192

1. Would you stay in a loveless relationship for the amazing sex? No, I have found the without the love, there really isnt amazing sex.
2. If you could only have one, which would you choose: love that lasts forever or great, body numbing sex? I want them both and have them now. Not planning on giving either of them up.
3. Looking back at your past loves, which one should you have married/taken back and who should you have tossed earlier than you did? I should have realized some of my previous relationships were based only on sex and lust and not true love. I also should have realized and trusted that I could find someone who truly loved and desired me and not stayed on in the relationship out of a misguided sense of being alone.
4. if you had one last fuck in you where, how and who would you “give it” to? Not sure.....LOL L and I both have our "TO DO LIST". Those people who, if we ever got the chance we would have a free pass. But realistically, it would be L.
5. Which is more important sex, money, love and happiness? (and no, you can’t pick’em all) This sounds totally shallow and not at all like me, but I would say money. Money can buy you happiness, or at least help you enjoy life more. Money can buy you sex obviously. As for money buying you love, I doubt that can really be the case, but I am sure there is someone out who could attest to it. Sorry the scientist in me looking for the most practical and pragmatic answer.
Happy TMI!!
Thursday, June 18, 2009
Traveling for Work
I use to relish traveling for work. The chance to see new place, sights, eat and experience new food, people watch, etc. Granted, my profession hasn't typically granted me the opportunity to travel to the worlds hot spots, but I have seen my fair share of the country.
Typically, and when I say that, I mean in my previous employment positions, I would be in a rural area or on the outskirts of the bigger cities. Typically, my time was spent drilling holes, collecting samples, observing or auditing the environmental aspects of a business or property. My people watching usually was limited to the locals in the area, the employees of the business, and if it was a gas station, the occasional customer. Food experiences were usually whatever chain restaurant was in the area. This was primarily due to the limited expense account that my tight ass bosses would restrict us to. Sightseeing was rarely ever an option, unless we were required to stay over the weekend and into the next week. Lets face it, there ain't alot to see and do in Dubuque, Iowa or Sioux Falls, SD.
When my career took a turn the end of 2007, I was given an opportunity to expand my horizons and see some thing, do things, and experience the better side of work-related travel. Don't get me wrong, I still have budget constraints, but I don't have to stay in Super 8 or Motel 6's anymore. I get a decent amount of money for meals and incidentals, and typically, I am staying in the heart of the downtown area. This does have it's drawbacks, since I am typically limited to mass transit and not allowed to have a car for my own transportation. But we all have to make sacrifices.
This week has been somewhat of the exception to the norm, lately. I am stuck in downtown Chicago with little opportunity to explore. Admittedly, this is my own fault, since I am nursing a bum foot (blister) that has caused me alot of trouble getting to and from the office from the hotel. I have friends in Chicago that I would love to see, but they all live in the burbs and some have plans for this week in the evenings. A 2 hour train ride for an hour visit is not really worth the trouble.
So I sit in the hotel, watch TV, chat online and the phone and make the best of it. The phone calls have been a welcome respite to the mundane. THANK YOU (you know who you are). I had dinner with my ex brother in law ( he was married to my ex's sister) last night, who drove in from the burbs. It was nice to see him, but damn the man has problems. I honestly don't know how he is getting by. Two houses, been out of work since March, no prospects for employment. It sucks to be him. Oh well, he seems much happier than I remember him being. I guess he has decided to not worry about stuff anymore and just take it as it comes.
Tomorrow is my last day in town and I will be so glad to get back home. Not sure if I will be able to post before next week, so if I don't; Y'all have a good weekend.
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
TMI Tuesdays # 191
Have you ever
1. been married? Yes
2. been divorced? been remarried? Yes and Yes
3. had sex at a wedding reception? No, but I wish I could be so lucky.
4. had sex with someone you first met at a wedding or wedding reception? No, again, if I could be so lucky, although at the first wedding I went to with L, I did get to bang the mother of the groom....(it was her son's wedding)
5. given a a toast to the bride and groom? Yes, but i was too drunk to remember it afterwards.
Bonus (as in optional): What is the funniest thing you've seen or done at a wedding? One of the groomsmen, walking across a raised dais to his seat and just walking right off the end of it with a plate of food. He didn't get hurt, but it was a classic move.
Bonus II (as in optional): What is the best toast for the wedding couples? Congratulations to K and J.. LETS FEED. The author of that bit of wisdom is now a practicing physician. Scary.....
Monday, June 15, 2009
Got in last night and still getting acclimated to the place. Probably going to be sporadic posts this week, but if anyone who reads this is from this area; drop me a note with tips, suggestions of things to do, or just let me know if you want to grab a beer or two or three....
Friday, June 12, 2009
Finally Friday
It has been quiet at both work and home with very slight momentary lapses into chaos, usually attributed to the grandson or my kids.
L's new job is going well, although i do miss our daily email conversations. Typically, we would exchange 10-20 emails daily, conversing back and forth about anything and everything. Sometimes the email exchange would escalate into an argument, at which point one of us would just say, enough and end the conversation by not responding anymore.
Her new job keeps her so busy that she barely has time to send me a one line email. She is grateful for being so busy and she has already impressed the hell out of her bosses for being so efficient in her duties. But she only gets 1/2 hour for lunch, and limited time to email, so we are both kind of going through withdrawals for not being able to stay in touch as much as we use to.
This will only be compounded next week when I am in Chicago and not able to be in touch with her until either early in the mornings or in the evenings.
Weekend is shaping up to be another busy one with my kids. My son's birthday is coming up in another week, so to provide equal representation on the b-day party front, we are having his party tomorrow afternoon. Not much, other than family, food, and presents. He will actually be at Boy Scout Camp on his birthday and I am planning on driving down with a cake and ice cream to surprise him and his troop.
Between baseball, b-day party, packing, mowing, laundry, and all the other shit that usually crops up on the weekends, I may not getting any sleep until Sunday night. Maybe going to Chicago is a blessing in disguise......Nah, just a chance for me to catch up on my sleep.
Have a great weekend all........
Thursday, June 11, 2009
Road Trip
So far this summer I have 2 trips to Chicago scheduled, 1 trip to NYC, 1 trip to Iowa, and potentially 1 trip to Colorado and West Virginia. These are all overnight trips of at least 2 days or more. And it isn't counting the possible inclusion of day trips to sites around the 150 mile radius from StL.
Don't get me wrong, I don't mind traveling for work. I love my job and the field work has always been the main reason for my career choice. My biggest complaint is the restrictions that the company puts on travel these days. It isn't like the old days in private consulting, when I would have to share a room with another person, eat bologna sandwiches and Ramon noodles all week to make a little extra on the per Diem check. But being in downtown Chicago, all week, without the benefit of a car? I know there are alot of things to do downtown. I know that I am not going to be bored. But I have friends in the burbs, and to ask them to come downtown in the middle of the week is probably not in the cards.
Several of the trips, I will likely have a co-worker along with me. That isn't always a bad thing. Just makes the trip seem longer.
Oh well, if you live in any of the areas I will be traveling to, drop me a note, maybe we can enjoy a drink or two. Beats sitting in a hotel room eating cold pizza and watching Sportscenter.
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
TMI Tuesdays
1. had sex with someone ten years older or younger than you?
Yes, I was in college and use to run around with my cousin and his wife, who worked at a radio station. A woman who worked at the radio station, doing traffic use to come around alot and hang with us. She invited me to a station only party at my cousins' house and we ended up going to a x-rated movie together than back to her house for an all night session. I think I was about 22 at the time and she was probably in her early to mid 40's.
2. drawn from a nude model or been a nude model?
3. had sex at a company Christmas party?
Tried once, but no.
4. had a blind date?
Yes and it was a lousy experience.
5. slept with a teacher?
NO, but had alots of thoughts about several....LOL
Bonus (as in optional): had sex with someone within an hour of meeting them?
If you qualify it by saying, within one hour of meeting them in person then the answer is several. If you have to count chatting online with them first, then the anwer is no.
Monday, June 8, 2009
Weekend Update
Friday, L and I, along with the stepson and his wife, went to the Rascal Flats concert. We had lawn seats, in amongst all the teeny bopper gals in babydoll dress and cowboy boots, the young cowboy wanna-Be's in their Wranglers, Levi's, boots and goat roper hats, and then all the toothless hilljacks who took advantage of a Friday night in the big city.
The seats were in the middle high up on the hill, and not too bad, until some young, drunk, dipshits decided to fight over some girl and ended up falling into L and I. Damn near broke her glasses and gave her a headache the rest of the night.
Then following the concert, it took us an hour and half to get out of the parking lot, the entire time all of us needing to pee like racehorses. We finally got home about 2 1/2 hours after the concert ended.
Saturday was suppose to be a day of excitement. We had plans to meet another couple on Saturday night for dinner, drinks, and fun. We had communicated with her during the week via phone and text, but we had trouble reaching them Saturday morning. We finally got a very curt email from him about 1 saying that they guessed we were just playing them and that they thought they had found some genuine people that weren't into playing games. What bullshit. I was so pissed that i couldn't see straight. Which caused my scientific mind to begin to theorize about all the reasons for their abrupt cancellation and mis-informed opinion.
The most plausible explanation that i came up with is that she never told him that we had contacted them or called and he decided, without benefit of all the information, that we were blowing them off. I did email him back and told him of our contact with her and even called his cell phone and left a message to the same effect. But needless to say, our plans for the evening got dramatically changed and I was in a funk for the rest of the day. L chalked it up to experience and said that in her previous life, this happened all the time and you just have to accept it and move on.
Sunday we slept in, had breakfast out ( I don't recommend the breakfast buffet at Sweet Tomatoes; highly over priced), took the other stepson and grandson to the store, got some stuff for my son's scout camp trip, grocery shopping for us, and finally back home to do laundry and relax.
Between laundry and cleaning up the house, not much relaxing was done until after 9PM.
OH WELL.. another weekend comes and goes...
Friday, June 5, 2009
Finally Friday
I must admit that i am pleasantly surprised at the outcome of this episode. I really thought that we were gonna have to go to war with them to get her last check and to have them be decent human beings about her leaving their company.
Naturally, she is upset by the whole episode. She feels, to some degree, that she is betraying friends and acquaintances. I keep telling her to remind herself of the bullshit and heartache they caused her over the years and how she was so stressed as to whether the door would be pad-locked or the checks would bounce.
The funny thing is that they have actually asked her if she would be interested in helping them out during a busy period right now, by providing some word processing support. I am thinking contract position, hourly as needed, 4 hour minimum, at the rate she was making at least, and able to work from home in the evenings. Christmas club account might get a whole lot larger.
So now that the drama of today is over, we can focus on the weekend. We are going to the Rascal Flats concert tonight and then who knows what the rest of the weekend will bring. Lots of sex I hope.
Thursday, June 4, 2009
Voyeuristic Tendancies - ROLLCALL
Curiosity has always gotten the best of me and so I read and surf with abandon, seeking the details and diversions of others. But like I mentioned in a previous post, under the same title, this leaves me with even more questions and a desire for more knowledge and curiosity.
I have noticed that some people get rather irritated with someone reading their blog if they do not acknowledge their presence. While this seems odd to me, the more I contribute to this venue, the more I become curious about those who are reading me.
I have followers, and I appreciate them all and their acknowledgment that they regularly pay me visits. I get comments, thanks Samsmamma and VK for your regular contributions.
So in an effort to find out who is "stalking" me, I enlisted the help of Samsmamma to add a site meter. OK... I am a dumbass when it comes to computer programming. I know rocks, and dirt, and soil, and water. Not code.... After a few emails back and forth, I got it. I can see the origin and location of the followers, but little else.
So now my simple request and question is this. Please drop me a comment, tell me what you think, and where your from. I promise I will take all comments in stride and if you like what you read and want to know more, please sign up as a follower.
Be talking to you.
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
TMI Tuesdays
Before I was married, it was Blood Diamond.
2. What was the last meal you had on a date?
Pasta at my favorite Italian restaurant in St Louis.
3. When was the last time you made out in the car on a date? More?
It has been a long time; high school probably so i don't remember alot of details.
4. Using a dating websites do you think you are more likely to find a "hook up" or a relationship?
Both. I have found hook ups, dates, and L on a dating website; although the hook up out number the real dates by far....LOL
5. Do you have any special "first" date rituals? Flowers, certain restaurant, ect.
Nice restaurant, something that we both enjoy doing that doesn't require a lot of inane chat, unless that is how things go.
BONUS QUESTION: Do you believe in sex on the first date? Can a relationship bloom if you have sex on the first date?
If both people want it, sex on the first date can be very exciting. There is the whole unknown variable that plays into the situation and exploring each other is so much more exciting.
As for can a relationship blossom, I don't know. My experience have been mixed.
Monday, June 1, 2009
And The WInner Is??????
We wrote her resignation letter last night at home. I took extra pleasure in getting in a dig about how they under utilized her experience and education. Here is a snippet:
I have accepted a position with a firm in the area that will allow me to fully utilize my education and my 20+ years of administrative and secretarial expertise.
A very diplomatic way of saying; you fuckers are too damn dumb or just prejudice against letting a non-African (i.e., Nigerian) have any level of responsibility in your company.
So when she handed them the letter this morning, after cleaning off her computer of all her personal info and selectively saving some documents for potential future litigation, she handed the letter to her supervisor. At first she was OK with it. I had told L several months ago that they will probably be relieved when she leaves, since they will be able to hire someone who is less intelligent, less responsible, and someone that they can control more easily.
After the initial reaction, then the climate turned cold, with her supervisor turning totally indignant about L staying extra hours this week to train the boss's daughter to cover the front desk. She also basically told her that she would probably only need her to work her regular 24 hours this week, rather than 40. Now go figure....they want her to do her regular job, plus train the boss's daughter in 24 hours of actual work time. But this is their typical modus operandi. They are so self-absorbed and want to control everyone, they will cut their noses off to spite their face.
So it remains to be seen if she will work more hours this week or keep the same schedule she has had for the 1st 6 months of this year. And the big question remains... will they try to screw her over on her check on Friday.
More to come as it progresses.
Friday, May 29, 2009
Well, guess who decided to throw a monkey wrench into the mix. They (i.e., Kamalla and her minions) presented L with a letter, re-instating her to full time, effective monday. On top of that, Kamalla announced that she has decided to retire at the end of the year and she had every intention of training L to take over her role at the firm.
What is wrong with this picture? L could do her job blindfolded right now. The woman can't speak english properly (it is her second or third language after all) and she writes like a third grader with ADD. She is constantly skirting the edge of illegality when it comes to labor law violations and there is pretty strong circumstancial evidence that she has violated immigration laws by falsly sponsoring others from the homeland to come over here under the guise of having a job and legitimate need for their skills, even though they couldn't find their asses with both hads if they had too.
So bottom line, L is in a quandry, she can accept the new position, which is further from home along the major interstate highway, nee traffic jams and bullshit; or she could stay at Tribal Industries, and keep doing her job, with the hope of some day moving into a more responsible role.
The money is a wash at this point.
Benefits are better at the other place in the short term.
Advancement potential is probably better where she is at now, provided the bastards aren't lying through there teeth again.
Work is more challenging and to her liking at the current place. At the new place she will be basically an accounting clerk.
My advice to her is ask for more money at the new place (likely less than a dollar more an hour). All they can do is say no.
Regardless of which job she takes, she does have one trump card up her sleeve. She has at least 2 other headhunters that are actively seeking an opportunity as an executive secretary for her (she has done this in the past), and both have said that she is at the top of their placement list. Now, if you can believe a headhunter, (much like you can believe the Nigerians), then if the right job comes along, she can tell either place to pound sand and accept what is behind Door #3.
Guess what we get to do all weekend? Stew about this situation and decide what to do come Monday morning. Who will win and who will lose? Stay tuned for another exciting episode of "Whats L's New Job?
Thursday, May 28, 2009
Thankful Thursday
L got a job offer today and is going to accept.
No more working with the Nigerian con men.
No more worrying about whether the stupid asses will make payroll on time or whether they check will even clear the bank when it is deposited.
No more sleepless nights, and crabby mornings, dreading the thought of having to go into to a job where she is unappreciated, under-utilized, and discriminated against because she is not from "mother africa".. What a load of shit.
Now the challenge becomes, how will they try to screw her over when she resigns. Me thinks a trip to the U. S. Attorney's office might be in order.
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
TMI Tuesdays
1. Before the industrial revolution, most people never traveled more than 30 miles from their home. How far from your birth place do you now live?
I currently live about 120 miles from where I was born and about 100 miles from where I grew up. Even though the two towns are about 80 miles apart from each other.
2. What is the farthest distance from home you have you have ever had sex or an orgasm? What is there farthest distance you have traveled from your home to have a sexual encounter?
I think the furthest I have traveled and had sex is probably Germany, during one of my trips to Russia to adopt my children. Hey, it was a hotel room, and you have to take advantage of it. Only reason I can not say Russia is that when traveling there, we were traveling with another couple and quartered in a very small 2 bedroom apartment.
The furthest I have traveled from home for a sexual encounter would have to be about 250 miles.
3. How many states (or Canadian Provences or your country's geopolitical division) and counties have you had sex and/or an orgasms in?
To many to count. I have been to nearly all 50 states, canada, and europe.
4. Have you ever had sex in a vehicle? While the vehicle was moving?
I've had sex in a motor home! But it wasn't moving. I have also had sex in a car while it was not moving. I am still waiting for the moving part. L keeps promising, but hasn't come across yet....LOL
5. Do you have any travel related fantasy? If so, share, please.
L and I want to go to Hawaii and make love on the beach. Other than that, there are a few more that we haven't really discussed yet, but may someday soon.
Friday, May 22, 2009
So how do I spend the official first weekend of summer?
Golf, Beer, BBQ, Beer, Baseball, Beer, and generally being a slug and sitting around enjoying the weekend. We have friends coming to visit from Iowa, so we will show them the Big City, amongst all the beer drinking and other festivities.
Going to the Cards game on Sunday to see them whoop ass on the Royals (sorry Samsmomma, I had to get a dig in.)
I sincerely hope you all have a great weekend, buckle up, be safe, use the designated driver (even for the golf cart), and enjoy.
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
8 things about me
8 things I am looking forward to:
1. THe holiday weekend.
2. Seeing old friends.
3. THe smell of L when she hugs and nuzzles my neck.
4. SPending time with my kids, even though they drive me crazy.
5. Bottleing my most recent batch of homebrew (Blackberry Wheat. It is an experiment that could go horribly wrong or be fantastic.
6. Harvesting veggies from the garden.
7. making love to L.
8. A quiet weekend at home without any commmittments or unexpected issues.
8 things I did yesterday:
1. worked.
2. Fought with L.
3. Helped clean the kitchen.
4. Made up with L.
5. RCame to an understanding about my own insecurities and fears.
6. Took a walk for my own health and well being.
7. It was a slow day for me.
8 things I wish I could do:
1. Not worry about finances so much.
2. Change someones job, so they didn't have to put up with some much BS.
3. GO on a long vacation with L and without being bothered by irresponsible adult children.
4. Never have to worry about my kids being safe and healthy.
5. Go back to Russia with my children and show them where they were adopted.
6. Be more understanding and tolerant.
7. Win Powerball
8. Have the luxary of helpling those who need it the most, especially family, without it being a strain on us.
8 shows I watch: NCIS, ER, Food Network, Discovery CHannel, DIY network, History CHannel, Weather, MOvies.
8 People I'm tagging:
1. VK
2. Samsmomma
3. Southern Vixen
4. Frank
Sorry I dont have a lot of friends.....LOL
Monday, May 18, 2009
Voyeuristic Tendancies
Part of my fascination is the whole, wanting to know how the other half lives thing. Part of is is wanting to imagine myself in their shoes; and part of it is me just being nosy. I suppose all true voyeurs are nosy people. Why else would they be that way. They want to see how others react to a situation. What they say and talk about.
The frustrating part of my voyeuristic tendencies is that I am a scientist. I have an analytical mind, which always gets me into trouble. It is always asking questions. Always seeking answers. This is a good and bad thing for a voyeur.
Example..... Blog XYZ discusses the most recent sexual adventures of a couple. They routinely travel to other cities to participate in adventures with "friends with benefits". Sometimes together, sometimes separate. While the discussion and review of their adventures is interesting and satisfies some of the voyeuristic tendencies, it also raises questions.
How did they originally meet?
How long have they known one another?
What was the initial attraction, other than the obvious?
How do they explain their adventures to other "white bread" friends?
What is the whole process for deciding to travel to another city, somewhere across the country for a meeting?
Don't get me wrong, I am not being judgemental at all. I am just trying to understand. I think of myself as a pretty open and honest person. Able to talk at length on most any subject, not afraid to shy away from controversial subjects, and I am willing to freely disclose personal information, if I am sure that I can trust the person with the information.
But having said that, I am also very private with strangers. I will withhold certain information from people if I don't feel they need to know. Once I am more comfortable with them, then i might share.
So my question to you, dear readers is this:
Am I asking for too much information? Should I just be happy and content knowing what I know and accept the fact that I won't or don't get to know the whole story?
Thursday, May 14, 2009
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
Having grown up around these people, some of which are my relations, albeit distant, I began to pick up on the local jargon and sayings that were passed down from generation to generation. Most of them included the age old saying that we all learned as children (i.e., a penny saved is a penny earned; a stitch in time saves nine... ) you get the idea.
But there were those rare occasions when someone would come up with something so completely offbeat or strange that it would stick and become part of the collective language. L just looks at me dumb-founded when I say one of these pearls of wisdom. It usually requires me to provide an explanation, which elicits further looks of confusion from her. But, in the long run, she continues to love me and put up with my faults.
It is with great pleasure that i bring to you several of my all time favorites.
(You/They) are slower than smoke off dog crap.
It is raining harder than a cow pissing on a flat rock.
You can want in one hand and crap in the other one. See which one fills up first.
People in HELL want ice water too, but they ain't getting it and neither are you.
I would appreciate if you could spread the word and encourage others to add their favorite sayings to the list. We can start a chain thingy (not sure what the blog term is for it).
Looking forward to hearing from you and reading the comments.