After a visit to the DR on Monday, it seems that L and I are suffering from the residual effects of a respiratory virus that mimics the flu, and actually could be a mild case of the flu.
Not likely H1N1, but the plain old, garden variety flu. Whatever it is, it sucks donkey dong.
The doc says don't worry, take the horse pills I am prescribing, and if your not better in a week to ten days after the course of antibiotics, then get your will and testament in order get your butt back in here and we will do something else. Gee, what a comfort.
He did say that while he feels my pain, we are not alone. He has seen more patients this fall with the flu than he saw all last year. And while everyone is freaking out about H1N1, he said that more than likely, what people have is the regular flu. According to DR, getting a flu shot does help, but if you have the symptoms for more than 48 hours before you seek medical attention, then tough shit... anything that they give you wont really help. Your body has already started producing antibodies to fight the particular virus strain in you and any additional medicine will just slow down that process. (Guess you all skipped that day of H.S. Biology.)
DR says that the over the counter meds will help the symptoms, but if things are markedly improved after a week to 10 days, then you likely may have a secondary infection.
Long story short, don't screw around with this stuff. If it lingers, get medical help and take care of yourself. Because of all the crackheads out there, Wally World can't sell the really good over the counter medicines anymore, so you may as well get a script for it and stop messing around.
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