I don't know how many of you have been sick this past few months, but I am getting damn tired of feeling like ASS.. as my grandson so eloquently puts it.
It all started Labor Day weekend. My middle stepson came down with some bug, classic flu like symptoms, aches, pains, chills, fever, coughing a lung up and a runny nose like a faucet got turned on. He passed it to L who was home in bed the first week of Sept for 2 days with fever and aches.
Then a week or so later my son got it. Now this boy fights being sick to the death, but when he is laying down on the ground sleeping in the middle of his sisters soccer game because he doesn't feel good, I know he is sick. (Why he as there in the first place was beyond me, but that was his mother's decision... fodder for another blog on how self-centered and self-absorbed she can be at times).
A week later my daughter has it, and guess what, she just happens to have it the nite her and her brother as suppose to be at the house. Needless to say, I feel like my home is becoming a petri dish.
Fast forward to the 2nd week of Oct. I am home sick for two days with fever, aches, and coughing. Then L got it again last week and was home for 2 days.
She went to the DR on Thursday and all that quack would tell her is that she has a viral infection in her respiratory system and there is nothing that can be done other than to let it run it's course. What BULLSHIT.....
So we have purchased countless over the counter medicines to help alleviate the symptoms but that is like putting a band-aid on an amputation.
Guess what.. I went to bed last night with a fever and generally feel like I am walking around in a cloud today. The good news it that I already had a DR appt. schedule for this afternoon to review some lab work. So lucky me, my timing is right on in that regard.
Additionally, my doctor is s D.O. rather than an M.D. They tend to be less formal, more holistic, and less willing to cut and hack on you for something. I have been seeing this guy for going on 17-18 years now and he is the best. He is always willing to discuss in detail my treatment, and given that i am a scientist, he knows he cant bullshit his way around the diagnosis or toss me off with a "you wouldn't understand". I think that also helps me in that whenever I am in a predicament like I am now, with this crud being passed around like it is. He will not hesitate to raid his closet of medicine and help a brother out with a handful of free sample packages to help all of us get through the plague.
Maybe I will hit him up for some Viagra too....you never know.
While you're at it, why not get him to give you some Ambien and ship it my way. That's totally legal, right?
Hope you feel better soon.
DR gave me some meds, so only time will tell.
Not sure about the Ambian. He wouldn;t give up the Viagra. He must be getting more cautious in his old age....LOL
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