1. Where was the first place you ever had sex?
In the front seat of my moms 69 Mecuary Couger on Senior Prom Night. We were in the wood along a country road.
2. How often do you lie?
Occasionally, usually to save me the trouble of having to explain something in great detail and it still ending up being misunderstood or not believed.
3. If you could only be one, would you rather be smart or good looking?
Definately smart. Looks will only get you so far, and while all the Hollywood types make millions with their looks, when their looks are gone, what to they have left? Smarts enables you to turn any situation into an advantage for you.
4. Have you ever passed out or suffered memory loss from drinking too much?
Yes, Pepe Lopez and I had a very bad encounter one night on a camping trip. I passed out and woke up to find the floor around my bunk littered with firecracker paper. I was told later that some of my friends, who arrived late, decided to toss firecrackers under my bed in a effort to wake me up. IT DIDNT WORK.
5. Top or bottom?
Definately bottom... I like having more control that way and can be deeper and last longer.
Bonus: Do you have any catalogs for toys/videos/lingere delivered to your home?
No we dont currently, but sure would like to get some....Wink Wink Nudge Nudge.....
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