Friday, May 22, 2009


It is officially the beginning of summer. All the pundents and talking head on TV say so because it is Memorial Day Weekend. Not that I put too much stock into what any of these asshats have to say, but for once, I will go along with the teeming millions and agree.

So how do I spend the official first weekend of summer?

Golf, Beer, BBQ, Beer, Baseball, Beer, and generally being a slug and sitting around enjoying the weekend. We have friends coming to visit from Iowa, so we will show them the Big City, amongst all the beer drinking and other festivities.

Going to the Cards game on Sunday to see them whoop ass on the Royals (sorry Samsmomma, I had to get a dig in.)

I sincerely hope you all have a great weekend, buckle up, be safe, use the designated driver (even for the golf cart), and enjoy.

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