You have to wonder if this is how Northwest Airlines trains their pilots after this week's incident of "overshooting the airport by 150 miles.
Friday, October 30, 2009
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
On The Mend
After a visit to the DR on Monday, it seems that L and I are suffering from the residual effects of a respiratory virus that mimics the flu, and actually could be a mild case of the flu.
Not likely H1N1, but the plain old, garden variety flu. Whatever it is, it sucks donkey dong.
The doc says don't worry, take the horse pills I am prescribing, and if your not better in a week to ten days after the course of antibiotics, then get your will and testament in order get your butt back in here and we will do something else. Gee, what a comfort.
He did say that while he feels my pain, we are not alone. He has seen more patients this fall with the flu than he saw all last year. And while everyone is freaking out about H1N1, he said that more than likely, what people have is the regular flu. According to DR, getting a flu shot does help, but if you have the symptoms for more than 48 hours before you seek medical attention, then tough shit... anything that they give you wont really help. Your body has already started producing antibodies to fight the particular virus strain in you and any additional medicine will just slow down that process. (Guess you all skipped that day of H.S. Biology.)
DR says that the over the counter meds will help the symptoms, but if things are markedly improved after a week to 10 days, then you likely may have a secondary infection.
Long story short, don't screw around with this stuff. If it lingers, get medical help and take care of yourself. Because of all the crackheads out there, Wally World can't sell the really good over the counter medicines anymore, so you may as well get a script for it and stop messing around.
Not likely H1N1, but the plain old, garden variety flu. Whatever it is, it sucks donkey dong.
The doc says don't worry, take the horse pills I am prescribing, and if your not better in a week to ten days after the course of antibiotics, then get your will and testament in order get your butt back in here and we will do something else. Gee, what a comfort.
He did say that while he feels my pain, we are not alone. He has seen more patients this fall with the flu than he saw all last year. And while everyone is freaking out about H1N1, he said that more than likely, what people have is the regular flu. According to DR, getting a flu shot does help, but if you have the symptoms for more than 48 hours before you seek medical attention, then tough shit... anything that they give you wont really help. Your body has already started producing antibodies to fight the particular virus strain in you and any additional medicine will just slow down that process. (Guess you all skipped that day of H.S. Biology.)
DR says that the over the counter meds will help the symptoms, but if things are markedly improved after a week to 10 days, then you likely may have a secondary infection.
Long story short, don't screw around with this stuff. If it lingers, get medical help and take care of yourself. Because of all the crackheads out there, Wally World can't sell the really good over the counter medicines anymore, so you may as well get a script for it and stop messing around.
Monday, October 26, 2009
Creeping Crud

I don't know how many of you have been sick this past few months, but I am getting damn tired of feeling like ASS.. as my grandson so eloquently puts it.
It all started Labor Day weekend. My middle stepson came down with some bug, classic flu like symptoms, aches, pains, chills, fever, coughing a lung up and a runny nose like a faucet got turned on. He passed it to L who was home in bed the first week of Sept for 2 days with fever and aches.
Then a week or so later my son got it. Now this boy fights being sick to the death, but when he is laying down on the ground sleeping in the middle of his sisters soccer game because he doesn't feel good, I know he is sick. (Why he as there in the first place was beyond me, but that was his mother's decision... fodder for another blog on how self-centered and self-absorbed she can be at times).
A week later my daughter has it, and guess what, she just happens to have it the nite her and her brother as suppose to be at the house. Needless to say, I feel like my home is becoming a petri dish.
Fast forward to the 2nd week of Oct. I am home sick for two days with fever, aches, and coughing. Then L got it again last week and was home for 2 days.
She went to the DR on Thursday and all that quack would tell her is that she has a viral infection in her respiratory system and there is nothing that can be done other than to let it run it's course. What BULLSHIT.....
So we have purchased countless over the counter medicines to help alleviate the symptoms but that is like putting a band-aid on an amputation.
Guess what.. I went to bed last night with a fever and generally feel like I am walking around in a cloud today. The good news it that I already had a DR appt. schedule for this afternoon to review some lab work. So lucky me, my timing is right on in that regard.
Additionally, my doctor is s D.O. rather than an M.D. They tend to be less formal, more holistic, and less willing to cut and hack on you for something. I have been seeing this guy for going on 17-18 years now and he is the best. He is always willing to discuss in detail my treatment, and given that i am a scientist, he knows he cant bullshit his way around the diagnosis or toss me off with a "you wouldn't understand". I think that also helps me in that whenever I am in a predicament like I am now, with this crud being passed around like it is. He will not hesitate to raid his closet of medicine and help a brother out with a handful of free sample packages to help all of us get through the plague.
Maybe I will hit him up for some Viagra never know.
Friday, October 23, 2009
Friday Funnies - PART 2
I just couldn't pass up posting this one for your viewing pleasure. Brings a whole new meaning to the old Hill Street Blues TV Show line; "Lets be careful out there".....
Thursday, October 22, 2009
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Monday, October 19, 2009
When I married L, I knew that I would be taking on the role of stepfather to three older children (currently 22, 24, and almost 26). I also knew that I would be a step grandfather to two very high maintenance and hellion boys. I accepted this role knowing that dealing with the issues facing them would involve a lot of patience, some creative accounting, and probably many of sleepless nights and anxiety filled days. But I love L and knew and continue to believe that the risk was and is worth the reward.
Yesterday, my middle stepson left for training, prior to being deployed to Iraq. So I have inherited a new role. Concerned parent to a soldier. While I don't feel it is my place to tell my stepson how to live his life or call him son, or do any of the other things I might normally do if he were younger, I do feel the need to let him know that his mother and I are very proud of him and pursuit of a military career.
I told him as much in a phone call yesterday morning as he was departing. I told him that I wished I could have been there to see him off but my commitment to my own son and a boy scout trip prevented me from being at the airport. Through the sobs and sniffles of him fighting back openly crying, he said he understood and knew that I didn't have a choice but to be with my own son rather than with him. I told him that it still didn't make it right that I could not be there. I told him that his mother and I were proud of him, and that I knew he had to do this for himself, his wife, his family, and his country. I told him that no matter what happened, we would take care of his wife and that last thing he needed to worry about over there was her.
L and his wife were obviously upset and keeping it together by the thinnest of strings for most of the day yesterday. I made it home by noon and was able to have some things done around the house by the time they got back from the airport. On top of all the emotion of her son leaving yesterday, it was L's birthday yesterday. I was able to be home for most of it, got her a present that she really wanted, cooked her dinner, and generally was there for her to hold and to provide a shoulder to cry on.
Yesterday was the beginning of at least a one year role as military parent, supportive husband and father in law, amongst other roles. I hope I am up to the challenge.
If you followers are interested, I will update you from time to time on his progress and situation. If it is a little too maudlin or self-serving for your taste, I won't. Your call.
Yesterday, my middle stepson left for training, prior to being deployed to Iraq. So I have inherited a new role. Concerned parent to a soldier. While I don't feel it is my place to tell my stepson how to live his life or call him son, or do any of the other things I might normally do if he were younger, I do feel the need to let him know that his mother and I are very proud of him and pursuit of a military career.
I told him as much in a phone call yesterday morning as he was departing. I told him that I wished I could have been there to see him off but my commitment to my own son and a boy scout trip prevented me from being at the airport. Through the sobs and sniffles of him fighting back openly crying, he said he understood and knew that I didn't have a choice but to be with my own son rather than with him. I told him that it still didn't make it right that I could not be there. I told him that his mother and I were proud of him, and that I knew he had to do this for himself, his wife, his family, and his country. I told him that no matter what happened, we would take care of his wife and that last thing he needed to worry about over there was her.
L and his wife were obviously upset and keeping it together by the thinnest of strings for most of the day yesterday. I made it home by noon and was able to have some things done around the house by the time they got back from the airport. On top of all the emotion of her son leaving yesterday, it was L's birthday yesterday. I was able to be home for most of it, got her a present that she really wanted, cooked her dinner, and generally was there for her to hold and to provide a shoulder to cry on.
Yesterday was the beginning of at least a one year role as military parent, supportive husband and father in law, amongst other roles. I hope I am up to the challenge.
If you followers are interested, I will update you from time to time on his progress and situation. If it is a little too maudlin or self-serving for your taste, I won't. Your call.
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
As my most recent commentor/tormentor posted, it isn't Friday anymore. How right you are.
But given the current conditions:
Cloudy (has been since Monday)
Drizzling (since yesterday)
cold (mid 40's for the day time high) and
slow at work.
I have just not been i a creative mood lately. Additionally, things have been so busy around the house with birthdays, going away parties, yard work, and just trying to battle off the flu, that I don't know whether to shit or go blind.
SO: if any of you few and loyal fans have any ideas or questions your just dying to know or see me post about; I am open to suggestions.
But given the current conditions:
Cloudy (has been since Monday)
Drizzling (since yesterday)
cold (mid 40's for the day time high) and
slow at work.
I have just not been i a creative mood lately. Additionally, things have been so busy around the house with birthdays, going away parties, yard work, and just trying to battle off the flu, that I don't know whether to shit or go blind.
SO: if any of you few and loyal fans have any ideas or questions your just dying to know or see me post about; I am open to suggestions.
Friday, October 2, 2009
Friday List
So it is Friday, i am bored to tears at work, and I don't really have anything funny to put up today. So in my copious amounts of spare time today, I have been surfing the web to look for a list of questions or a MEME to post here and see if my followers and others will answer them or forward them on, thus expanding my sphere of influence.
After much surfing and not finding the perfect list, (part regular, part naughty bits, part philosophical) I decided to come up with my own. I hope you like the list and you will consider answering and forwarding the list on to friends and others in your blogosphere. If you don't; tough shit.....LOL
1. What was the first thing you did this morning after waking up?
Made love to my wife.
2. When was the last time you told your significant other how you felt about them and how?
About an hour ago, via a text message from my phone.
3. Is there some point in your past that, if you had a "wayback machine" and Mr Peabody could take you there, you would get a chance to "do over" something in your life?
I would probably go back to college and focus more on my studies and not goof off the first 2 years.
4. Why did you chose the profession/job that you have?
I enjoy being outdoors and working in the dirt, LOL. The scientific aspect of geology and the opportunity to be a scientist, working outdoors, and still being able to work inside when the weather was lousy was a perfect fit. Originally, I wanted to be an optometrist, but came to the realization, after flunking out of college, that i enjoyed working outside and would not like sitting in a office all day, listening to someone else bitch and moan about their problems.
5. If you won the lottery and you had to spend 10% of the winnings on the charity or cause of your choice, what would it be?
I would donate my portion to the local Boy Scout Council to upgrade camp facilities and to pay for less fortunate scouts to attend the events and functions that I had the opportunity to do as a youth. I would also endow a scholarship to my university with caveats so that the average student could go to college. Not that i am against smart kids, but they already have plenty of chances for financial aid. The average kids are the ones who struggle to compete for scholarships and they are the ones who need the most help.
6. Where would you spend your Christmas holiday, other than at home or with family, if money was no object?
I would like to spend Christmas in Europe. Germany, England, Ireland, Belgium, and maybe Russia if time permits.
7. What is the one (non-sexual) thing that your spouse or significant other does to you that turns you on the most?
L can turn me on just by walking up to me with that "come to the bedroom" look and with a simple touch or kiss and those eyes, i am ready to go.
8. What are you planning on having for dinner this weekend?
I am making a giant pot of chili for a bonfire party tomorrow night. Also going to grill about 10 pounds of chicken wings.
9. When was the last time you had a free weekend (i.e., no kids, no plans, no commitments, just go with the flow time.)?
I don't remember. I think it was sometime in July, but i could be wrong.
10. Finally, and in honor of the decision today to chose Rio as the host city for the 2016 Summer Games, what is your first recollection of watching the Olympics? Watching the tragedy unfold at the Munich Games of 1972 on TV.
Please feel free to plagerize this and forward it on. Just make sure you source the reference properly...LOL
Have a good weekend. Comments always welcome.
After much surfing and not finding the perfect list, (part regular, part naughty bits, part philosophical) I decided to come up with my own. I hope you like the list and you will consider answering and forwarding the list on to friends and others in your blogosphere. If you don't; tough shit.....LOL
1. What was the first thing you did this morning after waking up?
Made love to my wife.
2. When was the last time you told your significant other how you felt about them and how?
About an hour ago, via a text message from my phone.
3. Is there some point in your past that, if you had a "wayback machine" and Mr Peabody could take you there, you would get a chance to "do over" something in your life?
I would probably go back to college and focus more on my studies and not goof off the first 2 years.
4. Why did you chose the profession/job that you have?
I enjoy being outdoors and working in the dirt, LOL. The scientific aspect of geology and the opportunity to be a scientist, working outdoors, and still being able to work inside when the weather was lousy was a perfect fit. Originally, I wanted to be an optometrist, but came to the realization, after flunking out of college, that i enjoyed working outside and would not like sitting in a office all day, listening to someone else bitch and moan about their problems.
5. If you won the lottery and you had to spend 10% of the winnings on the charity or cause of your choice, what would it be?
I would donate my portion to the local Boy Scout Council to upgrade camp facilities and to pay for less fortunate scouts to attend the events and functions that I had the opportunity to do as a youth. I would also endow a scholarship to my university with caveats so that the average student could go to college. Not that i am against smart kids, but they already have plenty of chances for financial aid. The average kids are the ones who struggle to compete for scholarships and they are the ones who need the most help.
6. Where would you spend your Christmas holiday, other than at home or with family, if money was no object?
I would like to spend Christmas in Europe. Germany, England, Ireland, Belgium, and maybe Russia if time permits.
7. What is the one (non-sexual) thing that your spouse or significant other does to you that turns you on the most?
L can turn me on just by walking up to me with that "come to the bedroom" look and with a simple touch or kiss and those eyes, i am ready to go.
8. What are you planning on having for dinner this weekend?
I am making a giant pot of chili for a bonfire party tomorrow night. Also going to grill about 10 pounds of chicken wings.
9. When was the last time you had a free weekend (i.e., no kids, no plans, no commitments, just go with the flow time.)?
I don't remember. I think it was sometime in July, but i could be wrong.
10. Finally, and in honor of the decision today to chose Rio as the host city for the 2016 Summer Games, what is your first recollection of watching the Olympics? Watching the tragedy unfold at the Munich Games of 1972 on TV.
Please feel free to plagerize this and forward it on. Just make sure you source the reference properly...LOL
Have a good weekend. Comments always welcome.
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