Friday, September 25, 2009

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Four Things

The world in which I live is a little crazy right now. Work has been piling up with all my travels, both at home and at the office, kids and family are feeling neglected, and to top it all off, I don't have a free weekend for the next month.

Needless to say, I am totally out of time and ideas for anything original so I flagrantly plagiarize from others. Thanks to Another Suburban Mom for offering this meme to help me fill space on here without alot of time.

4 jobs I have had:
1. Grocery store clerk
2. Milkman
3. Tree Trimmer/Arborist
4. Powder Monkey ( I use to work in a rock quarry and got to help blow things up everyday.)

4 movies I can watch over and over
1 Any of the Bourne Identity Movies
2 Patton
3 Three Days of the Condor
4 Dr Strangelove

4 TV shows I love
2. Good Eats (although L hates Alton Brown so I have to watch it when she is not around.)
3. ER
4. West Wing

4 of my favorite dishes
1. Pizza
2. Chili (green and red)
3. Jambalaya
4. Kettle Beef with mashed potatoes

4 Websites I Visit Daily
1. Yahoo My Page
2. List of the Day
3. STL Today
4. Google Reader

4 Places I Dream of Going
1. Hawaii (again)
2 Russia (again)
3 Alaska
4. Germany (again)

Feel free to plagiarize yourself if you want. I did....LOL

Have a nice day and as always, comments are welcome.

Friday, September 18, 2009

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

TMI Tuesday #204

1. Have you ever shared sleeping accommodations with someone of the without anything steamy happening? (Opposite sex for breeders, same sex for homosexuals). YES, in college I was in a coed service group and we often piled 8-10 people in a hotel room on conferences and trips.
2. Have you eve streaked, flashed, or otherwise partially or totally exposed yourself in public before (or after) an informal, unofficial gathering of people? Does mooning count...LOL YES
3. Have you had dates with multiple people in the same weekend (or consecutive nights or the same night) while not all of your dates were aware of your actions? YES, during my bachelor days after the divorce, I had several weekends of Friday night date, Saturday afternoon date, Saturday evening date, and Sunday date. Oh the joys of Internet dating. Although it wasn't cheap and I couldn't sustain that lifestyle very long.
4. What is the most "romantic" you have ever gotten in a movie theater? YES,I got to third base once with a woman i was dating in college. We were at a porno movie so it seemed like the thing to do. Other than that. NO
5. Have you ever had sex when you knew a non-participating adult was watching? NO
Bonus (as in optional): If you could say anything you wanted anonymously to anyone, without identifying that person, what would you say? You are a POS and I hope you end up dead in a ditch someday. It will be my pleasure to piss on your grave when you die.

Friday, September 4, 2009