Hello to all of you who have stopped by and wondered; "WTF is he doing, no post again". Sorry, the winter doldrums had me in a funk and the creative juices just weren't flowing. Besides, with kids basketball, scouts, work, home improvement projects, and kicking the stepdaughter and her spawn out of the house, I have been a little busy.
You are wondering about that last comment. Yes, L and I finally kicked her daughter's lazy, shiftless ass to the curb and her bratty kid as well. Now before you go all bleeding heart liberal on me about how could I kick out her kid, let me explain the circumstances.
Beginning in January, we counseled her on saving money for a car, an apt, and basic living needs, so that her and the spawn could move out. She gave us her typical "I KNOW" response and proceeded to piss away everything that she earned. In the meantime, her and SH1 were having this on again, off again relationship, mainly for a booty call. She finally got tired of his crap and lies, and not working, and being a general POS, that she hooked up with a new guy.
The new guy, whom we have dubbed PW, for p*s*y whipped, is a skinny, quiet guy, who wouldn't say shit if he had a mouthful of it. But he adores her, supposedly. He likes being the father figure to the spawn, and to some degree has been a stabling influence to her.
Cut to mid February. They have been dating 3 weeks and suddenly cook up this idea to file their taxes together so they can increase the return they get, they will pool their money, and that will solve the problem of transportation and housing. Seems logical to them, despite us telling her that it is illegal and she could be in a world of trouble.
Guess what.. our opinion and advice don't mean diddly. They do it, and all of a sudden, they have a car and plans to move in together. When L and I approached her about her mistake and pointed out that it was illegal and that she might get hauled off to jail, she took that as, we were going to drop a dime on her with the IRS and she would go to jail.
What resulted from that illogical thought process was two weeks of hell, in which she called L, her mother and I everything but white people, she moved her and her son in with PW's cousin, and proceeded to make our lives miserable. The one consolation from all the BS is that L finally got her fill of the lies, the irresponsibility, and the disrespect. She told her to pack her shit and git.
So after dragging her feet for a month and coming up with a myriad of excuses for why they don't have an apt yet, we finally said enough is enough. We rented a storage unit, loaded her crap, and stored it till the end of April. If she doesn't get it out of storage by then, she loses it. She knows this and has said that she would get it done. WE WILL SEE.
In the meantime, it has taken some getting use to, but damn is it nice to come home to a quiet house and not having a sink full of dirty dishes or half eaten food laying all over the house. Anyone want to place bets on how long PW puts up with her shit? I'm not giving odds.
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