OK, i know i have once again been missing in action... SO SHOOT ME.
Life has gotten in the way of lots of things this past 4 months and too much has happened to relate to here, but suffice it to say, not much has really changed except I am poorer and just as frustrated with ungrateful, dumb ass kids and stepkids.
So in the interest of a clean break from my usual ranting and raving about the irresponsibilities of today's generation. I am not going to go there today and may not go there ever again, unless prompted to by an act of stupidity, so profound, that i want to world to know about it and to assist me in ridiculing them into submission.
Now for something completely different.
It was my birthday last month. My diamond anniversary. Work was hectic and we didn't get to do the customary lunch in my honor, so we ended up doing that today. My choice for lunch, so i let them off cheap and we went to McAlisters Deli. My choice conjured up memories of my youth and my first real experience in the big city as a child, so I thought i would pass along this moment.
When I was a kid (6-8 y.o.), we lived in Illinois, just across the river from St Louis. Now having been born in southeast Missouri and grown up on or near the farms, I was fascinated by the big city and all the wonders it had to offer. But the most memorable experiences came when we would make our annual pilgrimage to downtown St Louis to the big department stores for Christmas shopping and sightseeing.
These trips always included a trip the department store restaurant for those unique and one of a kind (or at least I thought so) dishes that you could only get there. It was on one of those trips that i discovered the dish that is "French Onion Soup".
Now I know your thinking, what 7 year old kid in their right mind would want to eat that.....well me. I guess even at that early age i was a gourmand and enjoyed eating new and exotic dishes.
So in honor of my lunch today and the memories of my childhood experiences; i leave you with the recipe from that trip.
The Famous Barr (store) French Onion Soup.
Yields: 16 servings
5 lbs onions, unpeeled
1/2 cup butter (1 stick)
1 1/2 teaspoons black pepper, freshly ground
2 tablespoons paprika
1 bay leaf
7 (16 ounce) cans beef broth, divided (recommended Swanson's)
1 cup dry white wine (optional)
3/4 cup all-purpose flour or instant flour (such as Wondra)
caramel coloring (optional) or Kitchen Bouquet (optional)
2 teaspoons salt
French baguette (optional)
swiss cheese (optional) or gruyere cheese (optional)
Peel onions and slice 1/8 inch thick, preferably in a food processor. Melt butter in a 6-quart (or larger) stockpot. Add onions; cook, uncovered, over low heat for 1 1/2 hours, stirring occasionally. (The long cooking time makes the onions mellow and sweet.) Stir in pepper, paprika and bay leaf; saute over low heat 10 minutes more, stirring frequently. Pour in 6 cans broth and wine. Increase heat and bring to a boil. Dissolve flour in remaining 1 can broth. Stir into boiling soup. Reduce heat and simmer slowly for 2 hours. Adjust color to a rich brown with caramel coloring, season with salt. Refrigerate overnight. To serve, heat soup in microwave or on stove top. If desired, pour into ovenproof crocks or bowls. Top with a slice of bread and a sprinkling of grated cheese. Heat under the broiler until cheese melts and bubbles, about 5 minutes. Leftover soup can be frozen.
ENJOY and let me know what you think.
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
Thursday, June 17, 2010
Now It Begins
I have to admit the title of this post is from a novel I recently finished. In the novel, The Secret Generations by John Gardner, a family of spy's is rocked by the death of the patriarch of the family. Following the death, they must follow the trail left by him to uncover one or more family members who, for years, have been traitors to the family and the cause.
It is almost surreal that, after finishing the book, a similar circumstance has fallen on my own little world. No we aren't looking for double agents or traitors, but the impending death of a family member brings out the vultures and other carreon to circle, waiting for that moment to pounce and begin picking at the carcass (in this case, estate) for anything they can get their greedy and undeserving hands on.
This will probably end up being a series of posts as there is a bit of history that must be told. But the history defines certain individuals, so as those individuals are introduced, so to will be the history.
Last Thursday, L's mom and her uncle were in an auto accident. It first appeared like it would be a very bad one. We were called and told that they were being airlifted to a hospital and nothing more. We went to the said hospital and waited as patiently as possible. They finally told us that, "no they were not coming in by helicopter, but by ambulance." When Mom arrived, the paramedics told us that the other ambulance, with Uncle, had been diverted along the way to a smaller hospital due to him having a possible heart episode.
I left L and her sister at the hospital with Mom and went to the other hospital to check on Uncle. When I got there, he was still in a neck brace, but according to the Dr, was OK other than some bumps, bruises, and a nasty friction burn on his neck from the seat belt. They wanted to keep him for observation to insure that the seat belt had not damaged his coratid artery.
Uncle is 87 yo and lost his wife over a year ago. He has been living with Mom, his sister, since last fall. Now while they get along like any brother and sister, couple that with his age and hers (81 yo) and you have a pretty good picture of the dynamics of the relationship.
Meanwhile, Mom has a severe laceration on her left arm that has peeled back the skin at the elbow. The Dr's are concerned about the cause of the accident and the fact that Mom may have blacked out, thus causing the accident. So they elect to keep her in the hospital overnight for observation. Uncle is throwing a fit because he doesn't want to stay in the hospital, but is finally convinced that it is for his own good.
Fast forward to Saturday morning. Mom has been given the all clear (meaning the Dr's cant find anything wrong with her) and she goes to the other hospital to visit her brother. Upon arrival, she is told that his condition is not good. They have determined that he has pneumonia and has had it for several months. He is also showing signs of diminished kidney function. At the same time, Uncle is becoming more and more lethargic and addled with the combination of his condition and the meds that they are giving him. He is weak, and virtually incapable of standing or moving himself, without someone practically holding him up.
Now it begins...... Part 2 tomorrow
It is almost surreal that, after finishing the book, a similar circumstance has fallen on my own little world. No we aren't looking for double agents or traitors, but the impending death of a family member brings out the vultures and other carreon to circle, waiting for that moment to pounce and begin picking at the carcass (in this case, estate) for anything they can get their greedy and undeserving hands on.
This will probably end up being a series of posts as there is a bit of history that must be told. But the history defines certain individuals, so as those individuals are introduced, so to will be the history.
Last Thursday, L's mom and her uncle were in an auto accident. It first appeared like it would be a very bad one. We were called and told that they were being airlifted to a hospital and nothing more. We went to the said hospital and waited as patiently as possible. They finally told us that, "no they were not coming in by helicopter, but by ambulance." When Mom arrived, the paramedics told us that the other ambulance, with Uncle, had been diverted along the way to a smaller hospital due to him having a possible heart episode.
I left L and her sister at the hospital with Mom and went to the other hospital to check on Uncle. When I got there, he was still in a neck brace, but according to the Dr, was OK other than some bumps, bruises, and a nasty friction burn on his neck from the seat belt. They wanted to keep him for observation to insure that the seat belt had not damaged his coratid artery.
Uncle is 87 yo and lost his wife over a year ago. He has been living with Mom, his sister, since last fall. Now while they get along like any brother and sister, couple that with his age and hers (81 yo) and you have a pretty good picture of the dynamics of the relationship.
Meanwhile, Mom has a severe laceration on her left arm that has peeled back the skin at the elbow. The Dr's are concerned about the cause of the accident and the fact that Mom may have blacked out, thus causing the accident. So they elect to keep her in the hospital overnight for observation. Uncle is throwing a fit because he doesn't want to stay in the hospital, but is finally convinced that it is for his own good.
Fast forward to Saturday morning. Mom has been given the all clear (meaning the Dr's cant find anything wrong with her) and she goes to the other hospital to visit her brother. Upon arrival, she is told that his condition is not good. They have determined that he has pneumonia and has had it for several months. He is also showing signs of diminished kidney function. At the same time, Uncle is becoming more and more lethargic and addled with the combination of his condition and the meds that they are giving him. He is weak, and virtually incapable of standing or moving himself, without someone practically holding him up.
Now it begins...... Part 2 tomorrow
Thursday, May 27, 2010
Friday, April 30, 2010
Cant Win for Losing
It started out innocent enough. L had been to the dentist and after 2 hrs in the chair and a new temporary crown, and two new fillings, she was home on the couch, resting and nursing a sore jaw. I came home with every intention of nursing her, fixing dinner, and enjoying a quiet evening.
I went shopping, bought groceries, came home, unloaded and loaded the dishwasher, fixed her a pineapple, banana, and strawberry smoothie, and sat down to catch up on DVR programs. Then the phone rang. I could tell by the half of the conversation that i was hearing that she was committing us to watching the spawn, just not sure of the details. I lost it. I got up and stormed into the kitchen.
She asked what was wrong and I said nothing and proceeded to unload and load the dishwasher. I fumed around for a bit and then finally, she forced me to give her and answer and I said; "I am tired of your kids always planning our lives for us" . Needless to say that pissed her off and she tried to throw it back into my face that my kids have just as much if not more to do with our life schedule than hers do. I proceeded to tell her that yet again, she doesn't get the subtle difference that my kids are younger and thereby dependent on me where as her kids are all old enough to be taking care of their own shit.
We danced around the issue for a few more minutes and i decided that it was time for me to go. I left the house. Drove around for a bit, stopped by a friends house and visited with him and his wife, and caught up on life with them. Now this is my old college roommate, we live about 2 miles from one another and we have seen each other about 2 time since the first of the year. We are both busy with kids, family commitments and work, so i don't begrudge that time missed, but last night brought back alot of memories of good times past.
When i got home, i unloaded the dishwasher, loaded it again, and went to bed. She came to the room about 10PM and didn't say a word. Climbed into bed and we both attempted to sleep. At 11PM, I got up and asked her is she was going to talk to me and she said she had nothing to say. I asked her if she even knew why i got upset and she said that it was because we had to watch Spawn. I said no that was not the reason. The real reason was and still is that her kids take advantage of her and by default me. They call at the last minute and expect us to drop everything we have planned or even have remotely discussed on doing to bail them out of their child care dilemma or their current transportation issue. I am sick and tired of being responsible for everyone else's kids and their irresponsibility. I told her this last night.
Needless to say, our plan to drive into work together this morning and then go to my daughters softball game is now in the fucking trash heap because L has to pick up the spawn from daycare and then watch him to his dumbass mother gets off work.
I cant win for losing.....
I went shopping, bought groceries, came home, unloaded and loaded the dishwasher, fixed her a pineapple, banana, and strawberry smoothie, and sat down to catch up on DVR programs. Then the phone rang. I could tell by the half of the conversation that i was hearing that she was committing us to watching the spawn, just not sure of the details. I lost it. I got up and stormed into the kitchen.
She asked what was wrong and I said nothing and proceeded to unload and load the dishwasher. I fumed around for a bit and then finally, she forced me to give her and answer and I said; "I am tired of your kids always planning our lives for us" . Needless to say that pissed her off and she tried to throw it back into my face that my kids have just as much if not more to do with our life schedule than hers do. I proceeded to tell her that yet again, she doesn't get the subtle difference that my kids are younger and thereby dependent on me where as her kids are all old enough to be taking care of their own shit.
We danced around the issue for a few more minutes and i decided that it was time for me to go. I left the house. Drove around for a bit, stopped by a friends house and visited with him and his wife, and caught up on life with them. Now this is my old college roommate, we live about 2 miles from one another and we have seen each other about 2 time since the first of the year. We are both busy with kids, family commitments and work, so i don't begrudge that time missed, but last night brought back alot of memories of good times past.
When i got home, i unloaded the dishwasher, loaded it again, and went to bed. She came to the room about 10PM and didn't say a word. Climbed into bed and we both attempted to sleep. At 11PM, I got up and asked her is she was going to talk to me and she said she had nothing to say. I asked her if she even knew why i got upset and she said that it was because we had to watch Spawn. I said no that was not the reason. The real reason was and still is that her kids take advantage of her and by default me. They call at the last minute and expect us to drop everything we have planned or even have remotely discussed on doing to bail them out of their child care dilemma or their current transportation issue. I am sick and tired of being responsible for everyone else's kids and their irresponsibility. I told her this last night.
Needless to say, our plan to drive into work together this morning and then go to my daughters softball game is now in the fucking trash heap because L has to pick up the spawn from daycare and then watch him to his dumbass mother gets off work.
I cant win for losing.....
Monday, April 26, 2010
POS of the Week

I have decided to start a new feature on this blog. Not only does it give me something easy to write about, but it also provides a venue of me to vent my frustrations on today's societal ills that the media seem to have a feeding frenzy over. So sports fans, enjoy this little clip about our first POS of the Week

Thursday, April 22, 2010
The Rut

We all have those times in our lives where we seem to hit a low point, a rut if you want to call it that. Those periods where nothing you do or say seems appropriate. And no matter how hard you try to say it in a diplomatic and nice way, you just end up sticking your foot further into your mouth.
Not only does the rut affect your everyday interpersonal actions and reactions with others, it also affects your most intimate interactions with your loved ones. You want to tell them something, but your either afraid that you will exacerbate the situation even more, or that you will regret giving in. This seems to be where I am. I am tired of all the unnecessary drama in our lives and when i try to impart this to my wife, i get glares and looks of disdain. When i do my best to explain my frustrations to her, she refuses to acknowledge my opinion and chooses to ignore me.
That in and of itself doesn't bother me. What does bother me is that 99 times out of 100 I am right on the money with my insight and analysis and she refuses to accept the fact that I am usually right. Secondly, this makes her even more reticent to open up to me and tell me things about our life. So it compounds the issue by now adding feelings of inadequacy and suspicion to the mix.
I am at the point where i am ready to tell all of them to go F themselves, leave us alone, and if they end up on the street, with no place to go and no money, don't come crying to mommy.
Sorry for being such a heartless bastard, but live in my shoes for a few months and tell me you wouldn't do the same thing.
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
I ran across this yesterday afternoon on the back of a business card from a gentleman from Wyoming. The quotes actually come from a book by James P. Owen, entitled Cowboy Ethics. As I read the words, it struck me as ironic that this is the way I think and how I try to live my life. Now some of you know that I may bitch and moan alot about my life and those in my life, but generally speaking, I do try to live by simple rules of responsibility and honesty.
Anyway, enjoy these little gems and let me know your thoughts. I am on my way to find this book and see what other pearls of wisdom I can glean from it.
1. Live each day with courage
2. Take pride in your work.
3. Always finish what you start.
4. Do what has to be done.
5. Be tough, but fair.
6. Whey you make a promise, keep it.
7. Ride for the brand (i.e., be loyal)
8. Tallk less; say more.
9. Remember that some things aren't for sale.
10. Know where to draw the line.
Happy Trails.......
Anyway, enjoy these little gems and let me know your thoughts. I am on my way to find this book and see what other pearls of wisdom I can glean from it.
1. Live each day with courage
2. Take pride in your work.
3. Always finish what you start.
4. Do what has to be done.
5. Be tough, but fair.
6. Whey you make a promise, keep it.
7. Ride for the brand (i.e., be loyal)
8. Tallk less; say more.
9. Remember that some things aren't for sale.
10. Know where to draw the line.
Happy Trails.......
Friday, March 26, 2010
I'm Back
Hello to all of you who have stopped by and wondered; "WTF is he doing, no post again". Sorry, the winter doldrums had me in a funk and the creative juices just weren't flowing. Besides, with kids basketball, scouts, work, home improvement projects, and kicking the stepdaughter and her spawn out of the house, I have been a little busy.
You are wondering about that last comment. Yes, L and I finally kicked her daughter's lazy, shiftless ass to the curb and her bratty kid as well. Now before you go all bleeding heart liberal on me about how could I kick out her kid, let me explain the circumstances.
Beginning in January, we counseled her on saving money for a car, an apt, and basic living needs, so that her and the spawn could move out. She gave us her typical "I KNOW" response and proceeded to piss away everything that she earned. In the meantime, her and SH1 were having this on again, off again relationship, mainly for a booty call. She finally got tired of his crap and lies, and not working, and being a general POS, that she hooked up with a new guy.
The new guy, whom we have dubbed PW, for p*s*y whipped, is a skinny, quiet guy, who wouldn't say shit if he had a mouthful of it. But he adores her, supposedly. He likes being the father figure to the spawn, and to some degree has been a stabling influence to her.
Cut to mid February. They have been dating 3 weeks and suddenly cook up this idea to file their taxes together so they can increase the return they get, they will pool their money, and that will solve the problem of transportation and housing. Seems logical to them, despite us telling her that it is illegal and she could be in a world of trouble.
Guess what.. our opinion and advice don't mean diddly. They do it, and all of a sudden, they have a car and plans to move in together. When L and I approached her about her mistake and pointed out that it was illegal and that she might get hauled off to jail, she took that as, we were going to drop a dime on her with the IRS and she would go to jail.
What resulted from that illogical thought process was two weeks of hell, in which she called L, her mother and I everything but white people, she moved her and her son in with PW's cousin, and proceeded to make our lives miserable. The one consolation from all the BS is that L finally got her fill of the lies, the irresponsibility, and the disrespect. She told her to pack her shit and git.
So after dragging her feet for a month and coming up with a myriad of excuses for why they don't have an apt yet, we finally said enough is enough. We rented a storage unit, loaded her crap, and stored it till the end of April. If she doesn't get it out of storage by then, she loses it. She knows this and has said that she would get it done. WE WILL SEE.
In the meantime, it has taken some getting use to, but damn is it nice to come home to a quiet house and not having a sink full of dirty dishes or half eaten food laying all over the house. Anyone want to place bets on how long PW puts up with her shit? I'm not giving odds.
You are wondering about that last comment. Yes, L and I finally kicked her daughter's lazy, shiftless ass to the curb and her bratty kid as well. Now before you go all bleeding heart liberal on me about how could I kick out her kid, let me explain the circumstances.
Beginning in January, we counseled her on saving money for a car, an apt, and basic living needs, so that her and the spawn could move out. She gave us her typical "I KNOW" response and proceeded to piss away everything that she earned. In the meantime, her and SH1 were having this on again, off again relationship, mainly for a booty call. She finally got tired of his crap and lies, and not working, and being a general POS, that she hooked up with a new guy.
The new guy, whom we have dubbed PW, for p*s*y whipped, is a skinny, quiet guy, who wouldn't say shit if he had a mouthful of it. But he adores her, supposedly. He likes being the father figure to the spawn, and to some degree has been a stabling influence to her.
Cut to mid February. They have been dating 3 weeks and suddenly cook up this idea to file their taxes together so they can increase the return they get, they will pool their money, and that will solve the problem of transportation and housing. Seems logical to them, despite us telling her that it is illegal and she could be in a world of trouble.
Guess what.. our opinion and advice don't mean diddly. They do it, and all of a sudden, they have a car and plans to move in together. When L and I approached her about her mistake and pointed out that it was illegal and that she might get hauled off to jail, she took that as, we were going to drop a dime on her with the IRS and she would go to jail.
What resulted from that illogical thought process was two weeks of hell, in which she called L, her mother and I everything but white people, she moved her and her son in with PW's cousin, and proceeded to make our lives miserable. The one consolation from all the BS is that L finally got her fill of the lies, the irresponsibility, and the disrespect. She told her to pack her shit and git.
So after dragging her feet for a month and coming up with a myriad of excuses for why they don't have an apt yet, we finally said enough is enough. We rented a storage unit, loaded her crap, and stored it till the end of April. If she doesn't get it out of storage by then, she loses it. She knows this and has said that she would get it done. WE WILL SEE.
In the meantime, it has taken some getting use to, but damn is it nice to come home to a quiet house and not having a sink full of dirty dishes or half eaten food laying all over the house. Anyone want to place bets on how long PW puts up with her shit? I'm not giving odds.
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
Is This London or St Louis?
The old adage in St Louis is if you stick around for an hour the weather will change. For the most part it is true. We can go from cold and wet to warm and dry in the span of a day. But this new year so far has tested our endurance for extremes. This time two weeks ago, it was in the single digits with 3-inches of snow on the ground. Today, it is in the forties and looks like London England

I just wish it would decide whether it is going to be winter or spring. My sinuses cant take much more of this back and forth stuff.
Thursday, January 7, 2010
The Bucket List
L sent me this, after she received it from my sister. Guess my sister wasn't really interested in my answers....
The Bucket List
Put an X next to the listing if I applies to you. Feel free to embellish the answer if you want. This is for your Entire Life!
(X) Shot a gun
(X)Gone on a blind date
( x) Skipped school
( ) Watched someone die
(x ) been to Canada
( ) Been to Alaska
( ) Been to Cuba
(x) Been to Europe
(x) Been to Las Vegas
( ) Been to Mexico
( ) Been to Bahamas
(x) Been to Florida
( ) Been to Japan
(x) Been on a plane
( ) Been on a cruise ship
( ) Served on a jury
( ) Been lost
(x) Gone to Washington , DC
(x) Swam in the ocean
( ) Cried yourself to sleep
(X) Played cops and robbers
(X) Played cowboys/girls and Indians
(x) Sang Karaoke
(x) Paid for a meal with coins only?
(X) Done something you told yourself you wouldn't? (X ) Made prank phone calls.....
(x) Laughed until some kind of beverage came out of your nose
(X) Caught a snowflake on your tongue
( ) Danced in the rain
(X) Written a letter to Santa Claus
(X) Been kissed under the mistletoe
(X) Watched the sunrise with someone
(X) Blown bubbles
(X) Gone ice-skating
( ) Gone snow skiing
(x) Camped out under the stars
(X) Seen something so beautiful that it took your breath away?
(X) Are or have been Married?
(X) Children?
(x) Have a Pet?
(X) Been skinny dipping outdoors
(X) Been fishing
(X) Been boating
(X) Been water skiing (does knee-boarding count?)
(X) Been hiking
(x) Been camping in a trailer/RV
(x) Flown in a small 4 seater airplane
( ) Went para sailing
( ) Flown in a glider
( ) Been flying in a hot air balloon
( ) Been bungee-jumping or sky-diving
(X) Gone to a drive-in movie
(x) Done something that should have killed you
(X) Done something that you will probably regret for the rest of your life
1. Any nickname? Rockman, Bones, Kamala...(don't ask)
3. Favorite drink? Diet Coke
4. Body Piercings? No
5. Tattoos? No
6. How much do you love your job? A lot
7. Birthplace? Cape Girardeau, MO
8. Favorite vacation spot? Hawaii
9. Been to Africa? no
10. Ever eaten just cookies for dinner? No
11. Ever been on TV? N0
12. Ever steal any traffic sign? No
13. Ever been in a car accident? yes
14. Drive a 2-door or 4-door vehicle? 4
15. Favorite number? 22
16. Favorite movie? Bourne Identity
17. Favorite holiday? 4th of July
18. Favorite dessert? Carrot Cake
19. Where do you see yourself in 10 years? Close to retirement and out of debt. Definitely no stepkids or kids living with me.
20. Farthest place you will send this message? California
21. Who will respond to this the fastest? I don't have a clue.
This weather, the holidays, and work are really taking a toll on my creative thoughts and desire to come up with something more entertaining for you all. So please accept this as a token of my appreciation for visiting, and feel free to plagiarize, comment, discuss, or whatever you want to do with it.
Have a good day.
The Bucket List
Put an X next to the listing if I applies to you. Feel free to embellish the answer if you want. This is for your Entire Life!
(X) Shot a gun
(X)Gone on a blind date
( x) Skipped school
( ) Watched someone die
(x ) been to Canada
( ) Been to Alaska
( ) Been to Cuba
(x) Been to Europe
(x) Been to Las Vegas
( ) Been to Mexico
( ) Been to Bahamas
(x) Been to Florida
( ) Been to Japan
(x) Been on a plane
( ) Been on a cruise ship
( ) Served on a jury
( ) Been lost
(x) Gone to Washington , DC
(x) Swam in the ocean
( ) Cried yourself to sleep
(X) Played cops and robbers
(X) Played cowboys/girls and Indians
(x) Sang Karaoke
(x) Paid for a meal with coins only?
(X) Done something you told yourself you wouldn't? (X ) Made prank phone calls.....
(x) Laughed until some kind of beverage came out of your nose
(X) Caught a snowflake on your tongue
( ) Danced in the rain
(X) Written a letter to Santa Claus
(X) Been kissed under the mistletoe
(X) Watched the sunrise with someone
(X) Blown bubbles
(X) Gone ice-skating
( ) Gone snow skiing
(x) Camped out under the stars
(X) Seen something so beautiful that it took your breath away?
(X) Are or have been Married?
(X) Children?
(x) Have a Pet?
(X) Been skinny dipping outdoors
(X) Been fishing
(X) Been boating
(X) Been water skiing (does knee-boarding count?)
(X) Been hiking
(x) Been camping in a trailer/RV
(x) Flown in a small 4 seater airplane
( ) Went para sailing
( ) Flown in a glider
( ) Been flying in a hot air balloon
( ) Been bungee-jumping or sky-diving
(X) Gone to a drive-in movie
(x) Done something that should have killed you
(X) Done something that you will probably regret for the rest of your life
1. Any nickname? Rockman, Bones, Kamala...(don't ask)
3. Favorite drink? Diet Coke
4. Body Piercings? No
5. Tattoos? No
6. How much do you love your job? A lot
7. Birthplace? Cape Girardeau, MO
8. Favorite vacation spot? Hawaii
9. Been to Africa? no
10. Ever eaten just cookies for dinner? No
11. Ever been on TV? N0
12. Ever steal any traffic sign? No
13. Ever been in a car accident? yes
14. Drive a 2-door or 4-door vehicle? 4
15. Favorite number? 22
16. Favorite movie? Bourne Identity
17. Favorite holiday? 4th of July
18. Favorite dessert? Carrot Cake
19. Where do you see yourself in 10 years? Close to retirement and out of debt. Definitely no stepkids or kids living with me.
20. Farthest place you will send this message? California
21. Who will respond to this the fastest? I don't have a clue.
This weather, the holidays, and work are really taking a toll on my creative thoughts and desire to come up with something more entertaining for you all. So please accept this as a token of my appreciation for visiting, and feel free to plagiarize, comment, discuss, or whatever you want to do with it.
Have a good day.
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