God how I hate to talk to someone from a Call Center. Invariably, they either cant speak English well enough to do their job to save their asses, or they feel an air of superiority over the poor defenseless beings on the other end of the line and take delight and pleasure in tormenting us with their game of "fuck with the customer".
Today, I had the displeasure of calling my local phone company to inquire as to why I lost my call waiting service on my home phone, when I changed over to their brand spanking new fiber optic, all in one, wipe your butt for you service.
Haji, the mostest helpful customer service agent on the other end of the phone, immediately put me on guard, when he asked me if I was calling from the phone number I was requesting service for, like he couldn't read the caller ID that came up on his computer monitor.
Needless to say, things went downhill from there.
Apparently, you can sign on through the website and toggle all these features off and on from your computer. But my firewall from work wont let me access the site, due to some executable file you have to have installed (i.e., those extra icons on that are now on the home computer).
So while Haji is trying to explain all this to me and telling me to go to the website and toggle the switches, he isn't listening to a word I am saying when I tell him that my firewall wont let me there. He is getting frustrated because I am telling him what is on my screen and it isn't the same thing that is on his screen and he naturally assumes that I am a toothless hilljack that cant type or spell or operate a computer.
In the meantime, I am getting pissed because I cant make this twit divert from the script long enough for me to tell him that what he wanted me to do was not possible from my current location. He finally got the message after my voice changed to that "if you don’t shut the fuck up and listen, I am going to strangle you through the phone" tone.
It was only then that he asked me if I would like him to turn on the call waiting feature from his end. NO DUH! I wanted to also tell him that while your at it Haji, why don't you clean the crap out of your ears, and listen to the customer instead of reading the script. Not all of us are idiots like you think we are.
On a different note, I want to thank Cary from List of the Day for featuring me as his follower of the day. Not sure what to expect from this, but I appreciate the shameless promotion.
I'm guessing you had to give Haji your number is because he caller ID wasn't working. And he wasn't going to admit that shit.
Maybe, but more likely his hamsters was on lunch break so his hamster wheel generator was not working and he had no power for his monitor.
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