Monday, June 1, 2009

And The WInner Is??????

L officially resigned from Africans-R-Us today and has accepted the position with the new company, starting next Monday.

We wrote her resignation letter last night at home. I took extra pleasure in getting in a dig about how they under utilized her experience and education. Here is a snippet:

I have accepted a position with a firm in the area that will allow me to fully utilize my education and my 20+ years of administrative and secretarial expertise.

A very diplomatic way of saying; you fuckers are too damn dumb or just prejudice against letting a non-African (i.e., Nigerian) have any level of responsibility in your company.

So when she handed them the letter this morning, after cleaning off her computer of all her personal info and selectively saving some documents for potential future litigation, she handed the letter to her supervisor. At first she was OK with it. I had told L several months ago that they will probably be relieved when she leaves, since they will be able to hire someone who is less intelligent, less responsible, and someone that they can control more easily.

After the initial reaction, then the climate turned cold, with her supervisor turning totally indignant about L staying extra hours this week to train the boss's daughter to cover the front desk. She also basically told her that she would probably only need her to work her regular 24 hours this week, rather than 40. Now go figure....they want her to do her regular job, plus train the boss's daughter in 24 hours of actual work time. But this is their typical modus operandi. They are so self-absorbed and want to control everyone, they will cut their noses off to spite their face.

So it remains to be seen if she will work more hours this week or keep the same schedule she has had for the 1st 6 months of this year. And the big question remains... will they try to screw her over on her check on Friday.

More to come as it progresses.


vixen kitten said...

She was pretty kind to even give them a weeks notice.

I am actively looking for a new place to work, and I will go the route that the last 3 people who quit did. Tell them Friday morning that today is my last day. If you try to be nice and give notice, they only use you and screw you over. Besides, no one was given notice when they start cutting hours and laying people off. I've never done things that way before, but I've never worked for anyone who has treated people as poorly as this place does.

I hope the new job goes well for her.


rockman said...

Good luck with your job hunt. L has been looking for over a year and has been on many interviews, without success.

Anymore, if you are in a position of responsibility, most companies are escorting you out the door the day you resign. Guess they don't trust us to do the honorable thing; yet they trust us enough to work for them...GO FIGURE.

vixen kitten said...

Except for the owner, I am the only other person authorized to sign checks. We are not a big company, and I doubt they'd escort me out, but they would prolly cut my hours even more, and at the same time expect me to teach some one else how to do payroll. *sigh*

I've been looking for close to a year now too. It's frustrating and it sucks!

Samsmama said...

Good for L! I'll be hoping that they treat her well. How awful if they don't. But at least she won't be surprised about it. Love that she kept some documents, "just in case". Smart cookie!