Wednesday, April 15, 2009



It is that time of year....TAX DAY. Thankfully, ours has been done and over for several months and while we didn't get what we thought we were entitled to, at least we aren't stuck in line with the unwashed masses. making that last minute trip to the post office.

I am generally a political animal, having grown up in a family who was an active participant in the political process. My father is a former state legislator. I would classify myself as a Blue Dog Democrat; fiscally conservative, socially moderate. I do believe in the premise that everyone should earn their keep, but when the time comes, we need to be able to help a brother out.

What chaps my ass is all the fat cats who sit back on their asses, draw their millions in bonus and stock options, and then claim poor mouth to the IRS and come up with some creative accounting to justify why they don't owe any money. Everyone should pay their fair share. I don't mind paying my taxes for the services that i am provided. What i do mind is that i am footing the bill for someone else's services as well.

Anyway, enough of my rant today. Hope all of you enjoy the day and don't drink the Kool-aid today.



Samsmama said...

We did ours on Valentine's Day. Because we are romantic like that.

And I couldn't agree more with what you said!

rockman said...

WOW, you two do sound romantic.

vixen kitten said...

I always drink the kool-aid. Especially the purple kind.

Is that bad? :)

Just found you. Looking forward to reading more when I have some time this weekend.

Hope your day is beautiful.

rockman said...

VK, glad to have you along. I am a big fan of your sites too. Drop me a line sometime.