I am not a rocket scientist. Never wanted to be one and never could be one since i could barely pass algebra and did not even attempt to take Calculus. But some things are intuitive. It does not take a rocket scienist to detect patterns in behavior, observe changes and events and their resulting consequences and actions.
We all know that when it is hot outside, we should drink lots of fluids, preferably water, and try to avoid overexcertion. But some people are just not up to the challenge of listening to their bodies, or seeing the pattern that every summer, at about this same time of year, they get dehydrated and have trouble with their kidneys.
I have known this person for less than 18 months. I am now living through the second episode and trip the hospital for treatment of this condition. When I asked about if this is a reoccuring theme with this person, the fucking light bulb finally went on and GUESS WHAT STUDENTS....
SURE ENOUGH, this is at least the 3rd summer in a row that we have endured the medical problem. THATS RIGHT.... 3 summers of excrutiating back pain, throwing up, pissing blood, not to mention the 2 to 4 day stay in the hospital on the taxpayers expense.
So, my question is this. Are kids today just lazy, stupid, or both? Are they so self-absorbed and narcissitic that they are incapable of taking care of themselves and let things go to shit, just to garner the attention and to have someone else bail their asses out of trouble for the umpteenth time? I THINK SO.......
I keep hearing that my mind works on a whole different level than others and that I only see black and white without the benefit of seeing the shades of gray that other see. Well, on this particular day, I would like to know what shade of gray is it that causes someone to be so totally oblivious of their body and health, that they let themselves go through the same issue for the 3rd or 4th year in a row, at nearly the exact same time of the year.
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