Well it is Friday and it is gonna be one of those weekends. Non-stop, rock-em, sock-em action, with plenty of drinking to go along with it.
My daughter is celebrating her first communion on Sunday and my sister and brother in law are in town. Actually the party started yesterday with free tickets to see the Cards kick the Mets ass on a sunny afternoon at Busch. Nothing like free tickets.
The ex's family is also all coming in for it and there will be a big reception/party at her(my old) house on Sunday after Church. It will certainly be interesting. We generally get along, but this will be the first time her sister and brother will have met L.
In the meantime, we are having my sis and brother over for dinner tonight, they are going to decorate A's room with new curtains and matching linens. Tomorrow, we are going to go to the big farmers market and just hang out.
Sunday is the festivities and then I will have to do yard work and pack for my business trip on Monday to the desert of Nevada. Only redeeming thing about it is the night in Reno on Tuesday before coming home on Wed.
Hope you all have a glorious weekend.
As always, comments or emails are welcome.
Friday, April 24, 2009
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Well Spring has officially arrived in STL. It is nice during the week; sunny and warm and driving everyone cooped up in the office "batshit crazy". then the weekend rolls around and it frigging pours all day and night and you would think Noah was getting ready for start gathering the animals.
On top of all that, we have the whole hay fever bullshit to deal with. I did not use to be bothered by hay fever and allergies, but as I have so ungracefully aged, it feels like I have a bug crawling around in my nose and i go through these fits of sneezing and coughing up a lung every morning to clear my airways. Lovely sight, I know.
I am too stubborn and lazy to go to the doctor to get an accurate diagnosis. Besides all those assholes what to do is keep you coming back every month or two for shots or a prescription refill for the full strength, kick in the ass, antihistamine. You know, the ones that you have to be fingerprinted and cavity searched to be able to buy. Thank you very fucking much, meth scum.
But instead, I will buy the cheap, diluted over the counter antihistamine and just double and triple up on those bad boys until my nose is so dry, i can blow sand out of it.
Ah Spring.....don't you just love it.
On a positive side, I do love spring and all the fashion changes that occur. NO I AM NOT GAY. I am a man who admires a nice pair of legs and feet. Spring brings out skirts, dresses, and sandals. Got to love the painted and sexy toes.
On top of all that, we have the whole hay fever bullshit to deal with. I did not use to be bothered by hay fever and allergies, but as I have so ungracefully aged, it feels like I have a bug crawling around in my nose and i go through these fits of sneezing and coughing up a lung every morning to clear my airways. Lovely sight, I know.
I am too stubborn and lazy to go to the doctor to get an accurate diagnosis. Besides all those assholes what to do is keep you coming back every month or two for shots or a prescription refill for the full strength, kick in the ass, antihistamine. You know, the ones that you have to be fingerprinted and cavity searched to be able to buy. Thank you very fucking much, meth scum.
But instead, I will buy the cheap, diluted over the counter antihistamine and just double and triple up on those bad boys until my nose is so dry, i can blow sand out of it.
Ah Spring.....don't you just love it.
On a positive side, I do love spring and all the fashion changes that occur. NO I AM NOT GAY. I am a man who admires a nice pair of legs and feet. Spring brings out skirts, dresses, and sandals. Got to love the painted and sexy toes.
Friday, April 17, 2009
When does it end?
I pose this question to you.....
Thursday, April 16, 2009
Sorry for the short post. Been busier than a one legged man in an ass-kicking contest.
Enjoy the artwork.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009
It is that time of year....TAX DAY. Thankfully, ours has been done and over for several months and while we didn't get what we thought we were entitled to, at least we aren't stuck in line with the unwashed masses. making that last minute trip to the post office.
I am generally a political animal, having grown up in a family who was an active participant in the political process. My father is a former state legislator. I would classify myself as a Blue Dog Democrat; fiscally conservative, socially moderate. I do believe in the premise that everyone should earn their keep, but when the time comes, we need to be able to help a brother out.
What chaps my ass is all the fat cats who sit back on their asses, draw their millions in bonus and stock options, and then claim poor mouth to the IRS and come up with some creative accounting to justify why they don't owe any money. Everyone should pay their fair share. I don't mind paying my taxes for the services that i am provided. What i do mind is that i am footing the bill for someone else's services as well.
Anyway, enough of my rant today. Hope all of you enjoy the day and don't drink the Kool-aid today.
It is that time of year....TAX DAY. Thankfully, ours has been done and over for several months and while we didn't get what we thought we were entitled to, at least we aren't stuck in line with the unwashed masses. making that last minute trip to the post office.
I am generally a political animal, having grown up in a family who was an active participant in the political process. My father is a former state legislator. I would classify myself as a Blue Dog Democrat; fiscally conservative, socially moderate. I do believe in the premise that everyone should earn their keep, but when the time comes, we need to be able to help a brother out.
What chaps my ass is all the fat cats who sit back on their asses, draw their millions in bonus and stock options, and then claim poor mouth to the IRS and come up with some creative accounting to justify why they don't owe any money. Everyone should pay their fair share. I don't mind paying my taxes for the services that i am provided. What i do mind is that i am footing the bill for someone else's services as well.
Anyway, enough of my rant today. Hope all of you enjoy the day and don't drink the Kool-aid today.
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
Great Weekend
We had a great weekend.
L and I had the house to ourselves for most of the weekend and we took advantage of it every opportunity we had.
Stepdaughter and the kid disappeared on Friday night and didnt return until Saturday afternoon. I was a bit pissed about that, but we had other plans for the evening anyway, so the timing was ok by me.
She called at 600PM to tell us that our income tax refund was in the mail. Like we were going to be able to do anything about it on a saturday night anyway. At that time, she wasnt sure what her and the spawn were going to do, but likely would be going over to SH1 house.
She was told that we would be going to a family function on Sunday and that we would be leaving the house no later than 11AM.
We got home Saturday night, and they were gone, we got up sunday morning and they werent home, we left sunday and went to the family function and they were nowhere to be found or heard from. We got home and they finally called. Would be home on monday morning. Went to SH1's famliy outing (the same one she was bitching about going to just 2 days earlier.
Needless to say, L and i got busy and took advantage of an empty house.
Oh and i started brewing beer again this past weekend. I have a batch of blackberry wheat beer cooking in the tub upstairs. Had to put it in the tub cause it kept blowing the top off the bucket and getting yeast and beer spooge all over the floor.
WIll let you know how it turns out, but I am optomistic that it will be a keeper recipe.
L and I had the house to ourselves for most of the weekend and we took advantage of it every opportunity we had.
Stepdaughter and the kid disappeared on Friday night and didnt return until Saturday afternoon. I was a bit pissed about that, but we had other plans for the evening anyway, so the timing was ok by me.
She called at 600PM to tell us that our income tax refund was in the mail. Like we were going to be able to do anything about it on a saturday night anyway. At that time, she wasnt sure what her and the spawn were going to do, but likely would be going over to SH1 house.
She was told that we would be going to a family function on Sunday and that we would be leaving the house no later than 11AM.
We got home Saturday night, and they were gone, we got up sunday morning and they werent home, we left sunday and went to the family function and they were nowhere to be found or heard from. We got home and they finally called. Would be home on monday morning. Went to SH1's famliy outing (the same one she was bitching about going to just 2 days earlier.
Needless to say, L and i got busy and took advantage of an empty house.
Oh and i started brewing beer again this past weekend. I have a batch of blackberry wheat beer cooking in the tub upstairs. Had to put it in the tub cause it kept blowing the top off the bucket and getting yeast and beer spooge all over the floor.
WIll let you know how it turns out, but I am optomistic that it will be a keeper recipe.
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
Publish or Perish
OK. Since i haven't been doing this whole blog that or very long, and I readily admit that I don't have all the finer points of "blogging" etiquette down; I have to say that some folks take this thing way too seriously.
If you don't like people reading it, don't put it out there for the world to see.
Whew, that felt good.
The whole reason I got into blogging is because I am naturally curious about things. I am a voyeur by nature and a scientist by training. It comes natural to me to observe, read, observe some more. I also have this inherent ability to be able to pick up on peoples personality traits from a picture or only a few moments of conversation with them. It is a curse I know, but it can be fun.
Once in college, while living in the dorm, I challenged a couple of my floor mates to test me on my ability. They accepted the challenge since BEER was at stake, loser supplying a handy six to the winner.
Seemingly out of nowhere, the high school yearbooks appeared and the contest was one. My challenge was to look through the pictures of their high school yearbooks and tell them what kind of personality the person in the photo had.
To make it simple, we have 5 to 6 main categories:
Brainac (different from nerd in that they were smart and popular)
princess (for the girls)
The only other requirement was that we had to have independent verification that my guess was correct. I wasn't going to trust their opinions as to my guess, I'm not that damn dumb....
So after rounding up a fellow classmate, the game was on.
Two hours later, i was a case of beer richer, and they were alot wiser not to challenge my mental superiority.
Actually, it wasn't that hard, since they were all stoners themselves....LMAO.
How does this relate to blogging you ask? Like I said, i am curious and like to people watch. So it is pretty easy for me to tell when someone is being genuinely sincere in their blog or they are just putting out a lot of whiny ass bullshit for people to read cause they don't have the balls to speak up for themselves about it directly.
The second reason for blogging is that, being a scientist, I am always looking for alternatives and options to solve problems. The whole learn from experience method taken to the extreme. So if someone has had a similar experience to mine, and they blog about it, I might be able to use their situation to develop a way to resolve my own issue.
NAH, I am just a nosy SOB...
Have a nice day and comments are always welcome.
If you don't like people reading it, don't put it out there for the world to see.
Whew, that felt good.
The whole reason I got into blogging is because I am naturally curious about things. I am a voyeur by nature and a scientist by training. It comes natural to me to observe, read, observe some more. I also have this inherent ability to be able to pick up on peoples personality traits from a picture or only a few moments of conversation with them. It is a curse I know, but it can be fun.
Once in college, while living in the dorm, I challenged a couple of my floor mates to test me on my ability. They accepted the challenge since BEER was at stake, loser supplying a handy six to the winner.
Seemingly out of nowhere, the high school yearbooks appeared and the contest was one. My challenge was to look through the pictures of their high school yearbooks and tell them what kind of personality the person in the photo had.
To make it simple, we have 5 to 6 main categories:
Brainac (different from nerd in that they were smart and popular)
princess (for the girls)
The only other requirement was that we had to have independent verification that my guess was correct. I wasn't going to trust their opinions as to my guess, I'm not that damn dumb....
So after rounding up a fellow classmate, the game was on.
Two hours later, i was a case of beer richer, and they were alot wiser not to challenge my mental superiority.
Actually, it wasn't that hard, since they were all stoners themselves....LMAO.
How does this relate to blogging you ask? Like I said, i am curious and like to people watch. So it is pretty easy for me to tell when someone is being genuinely sincere in their blog or they are just putting out a lot of whiny ass bullshit for people to read cause they don't have the balls to speak up for themselves about it directly.
The second reason for blogging is that, being a scientist, I am always looking for alternatives and options to solve problems. The whole learn from experience method taken to the extreme. So if someone has had a similar experience to mine, and they blog about it, I might be able to use their situation to develop a way to resolve my own issue.
NAH, I am just a nosy SOB...
Have a nice day and comments are always welcome.
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